Clerical Spell Specification
[9] Truesight / Falsesight
BTS: 33% (Sg) for Target Observer on whom Spell
Cast - those observed do not get a st
ULT: 10 hours
Materials: a mirror, piece of glass or reflective
Actions: hold up Materials so Caster can see
reflection in it
Effect of Throw:
T |
Effect |
1 to 100% |
T/2 (FRU) % chance of Truesight |
101 to 200% |
25 + T/4 (FRU) % chance of Truesight |
201 to 344% |
42 + T/6 (FRU) % chance of Truesight |
345 to 500% |
56 + T/8 (FRU) % chance of Truesight (will be 100% if Th DL = 0) |
Reduce % chance of Truesight by 10% * Thievish Difficulty Level.
Thievish Difficulty Levels for Truesight are as follows:
- ThL of Target (FRD to one decimal place: e.g for ThL 2.4 DL is
2.4, giving +24% to T)
- DL 1 per 60 ft (FRD) Target is distant from Observer.
- When used against Illusions which do not already give a DL vs
Truesight, apply a DL as per
Note 4 for Illusionist Spells.
- Other kinds of concealment may have an innate additional DL at the
DM's discretion.
Duration: 30t min -10(t-1)%
Range: 3d ft -5(4+d(d+1)/2)% If cast on self, there is no Range
minus. If cast on others, Range is at least 0 ft, so there will
be a Range minus of at least -20%.
- The Spell may be cast on one Target Observer only.
- When successful, this allows the
Observer to see things or people as they
really are. It is therefore used against an apparent target that is
already seen. Truesight will not see something that is invisible, but
will see something that is shapechanged and may penetrate Illusions and the
effects of Chaos. It does not penetrate mere disguises.
- Make one roll for each aspect of true form
which could be seen. Second attempts are not usually permitted, unless
circumstances change.
- Falsesight is a Chaotic version of Truesight that allows the
Observer to see things or people as they might or ought to be (giving
possible insights or just a more interesting viewpoint).