Clerical Spell Specification
Non-Standard Spell: only available to Clerics of Gods Who grant
Dispel Undead on Their Standard Spell List
[10] Word of Release
Level 9 Spell for KOROS Clerics
BTS: 68% (Wp) modified by T
ULT: 8 hours
Word Spell
Materials: none
Actions: make a gesture towards Target of raising
(or lowering in the Underworld) palms towards the House of Karma
Effect of Throw: St Mod: BTS + 2 * sqr. rt.
T (FRD); i.e.
- T1%: BTS + 2 = 70%
- T4%: BTS + 4 = 72%
- T9%: BTS +6 = 74%
- T16%: BTS +8 = 76%
- T25%: BTS +10 = 78%
- T36%: BTS +12 = 80%
- T49%: BTS +14 = 82%
- T64%: BTS +16 = 84%
- T81%: BTS +18 = 86%
- T100%: BTS +20 = 88%
- etc. up to
- T484%: BTS +44 = 112%
Range: 10d ft -5d(d-1)/2 %
- Targets a single Undead Being. Has no effect upon the
- If Target Undead fails its st, it is Dispelled. Dispelling returns Undead to the Karmic Pool. Incorporeal Undead
vanish. Corporeal Undead revert to dead bodies.