Clerical Spell Specification

Non-Standard Spell: only available to Clerics of Gods Who grant Dispel Undead on Their Standard Spell List

[10] Word of Release

Level 9 Spell for KOROS Clerics

BTS: 68% (Wp) modified by T

ULT: 8 hours

Word Spell

Materials: none

Actions: make a gesture towards Target of raising (or lowering in the Underworld) palms towards the House of Karma

Effect of Throw: St Mod: BTS + 2 * sqr. rt. T (FRD); i.e.

Range: 10d ft    -5d(d-1)/2 %


  1.  Targets a single Undead Being.  Has no effect upon the living.
  2. If Target Undead fails its st, it is Dispelled.  Dispelling returns Undead to the Karmic Pool.  Incorporeal Undead vanish.  Corporeal Undead revert to dead bodies.