5. Animal Growth    Yribt Cycle

4. Grow [Specific Animal]s    Yribt Cycle of the Beastmasters

BTS: no st

ULT: 30 hours (L4 Spell) / 36 hours (L5 Spell)

Materials: any organic material from an Animal, living or dead (must be from [Specific Animal] for Grow [Specific Animal]s)

Actions: cup Materials in hand and blow on them

Effect of Throw:

Level 4 Spell Level 5 Spell
1 to 13 No Effect 1 to 14 No Effect
³ 14    Max. Size = (T-13) ³ 15    Max. Size = (T-14)

Range: 30d ft    -d(d-1)/2

Radius: 10r ft    -r(r-1)/2

Rate of Growth: s Sz points/sec    -(s-1)

Create Monster:    -6    (Available only as a Parameter to the Grow [Specific Animal]s Cultist Spells of Beastmasters whose Totem Animals occur as Giants)

Duration:    d Caeriads    -d(d-1)/2    (Applies only if Create Monster parameter is used - otherwise effect is permanent)


  1. Targets all living Animals within Radius, but Caster may specify effect is limited to particular species.
  2. Accelerates growth of Target Animals up to Max. Size, but subject to natural limits for species.
  3. Will cause Animals to mature to adulthood and come into heat for breeding, but will not cause them to suffer effects of old age. The Growth and maturing (though not breeding) effect is permanent.  Druids must use the Spell with caution out of the mating season.
  4. See the HitLoc Table for People for how Size translates into HitLoc.
  5. The Growth effect does not give the Caster control over the Target Animals, but does not confuse or enrage them either.
  6. The Grow [Specific Animal]s Cultist Spells of Beastmasters whose Totem Animals occur as Giants allows the Target Specific Animals to be grown beyond their natural sizes up to the usual limit for their Giant versions if the Create Monster Parameter is used.  It also turns them for the Duration from Animals into Monsters (whilst still counting as [Specific Animal]s for Spell-targetting purposes, etc.)  It does not bring them into heat for breeding.