4. Control Temperature

Ranian Cycle

BTS: 31% (Co)    (for a Target Being on which it is Cast only, no st for Beings entering Radius)

ULT: 32 hours

Materials: fur or bark

Actions: blow on Materials

Effect of Throw:

1 to 12 No Effect

13 to 32    Max. Temperature Change = (T-12) o Centigrade

³ 33    Max. Temperature Change = (T+9)/2 FRD o Centigrade

Duration:    t hrs    - t(t-1)/2

Range:    10d ft    -(4+d(d+1)/2)    If Cast on self or own current location, there is no Range minus. If Cast on another Being or an object or at a distant location, Range is at least 0 ft, so there will be a Range minus of at least -4.

Radius:    10r ft    -r(r-1)/2


  1. May be Cast on a fixed location in space or on a Target Being or object.  If Cast on a Target Being or object., Radius moves with Target.
  2. Controls the temperature of the environment evenly within Radius to make it hospitable to life.
  3. Caster may specify during Casting the desired direction of temperature change and a maximum change.  If not specified, the Nature Spirit will simply change the temperature towards normal temperature in favourable conditions for Natural life in the locality.
  4. Caster may also (whilst within Range of or inside Radius) change the temperature within Radius and Max. Temperature Change during Duration by light concentration.
  5. Multiple Control / Change Temperature Spells and Effects are cumulative.