1. Detect Madness

Trance Cycle

BTS: n/a

ULT: 8 hours

Materials: none

Actions: waggle fingers at and focus eyes upon persons to be scanned

Effect of Throw:

1 to 10 No Effect

³ 11 Chance of Success = (5(T-10)) + (5 * LoM) %, where LoM is the current Level of Madness of the Target Being

Range: 10d ft -d(d-1)/2

Radius: 5r ft -r(r-1)/2

Duration: 30 t sec -t(t-1)/2


  1. Detect Madness detects whether or not a Target Being is Mad, in the sense that he is at a Level of Madness within the Madness System.
  2. The Target Being does not get a saving throw.  Prot and other effects which modify sts are therefore irrelevant, but Magic Resistance effects on the Target Being will apply.
  3. If Cast at a Target who is Physically present in the Realm of Madness, or at a Creature of Madness, it will always give a positive result (if the Chance of Success roll is made).
  4. Heavy concentration is required to scan for Madness. It takes 6 sec to scan each Target Being within the Radius.  Ratio Chance of Success if less time is taken, e.g. if Target enters Radius during scan.
  5. Success gives the Caster knowledge that there is Madness Detected upon the Target.  It does not give any indication as to the Level of Madness or his current Domain.  It will give a result even if he is not currently Hallucinating.
  6. Success on a Target who is not Mad gives no result, and is indistinguishable from failure on the Chance of Success roll on a Target who is Mad.
  7. Multiple attempts may be made to Detect Madness on the same Target within the Radius, whilst the Duration lasts.
  8. The Caster can move the Radius about using light concentration, provided that its centre does not exceed the Range (which is calculated from the Caster's current location from time to time).