* Restricted: Tree People Drs of DrL ³6 only

Enter the Tree Kingdom (Power)


  1. An innate Power given for life to those Tree People who reach DrL6.  The Power is Delegated by a Nature Spirit of L ³6.
  2. Allows Druid to Enter the Tree Kingdom up to 3 times per Cd.  The Kingdom is entered via a tree at least as high as the Druid (the "Entry Tree"), into which he steps in the same manner as when Transport via Plants is successfully Cast.
  3. No SPs needed, but if Druid has <25 IPs, % chance of success = (4 * IPs)%. The IPs are not used up.
  4. The Tree Kingdom has recuperative effects.  The Druid recovers (10 * d6)% Dam on each visit (by using this Power only), at a rate of 1HP / 30 min (or per 15 min spent in the Holly Kingdom).  He will also initially recover 1 Insanity Level (2 levels in the Hazel Kingdom).
  5. There is no duration, but a prolonged stay in the Kingdom can make the Druid fall victim to the Trance of the Trees, and forget to come back.  The Trance of the Trees also involves the initial loss of 1 Insanity Level.
  6. The Druid may freely return to the Real Forest from each visit.  The Exit Tree will be the same as the Entry Tree if the Druid returns through the same spiritual tree form as that from which he entered the Kingdom.  Alternatively, he may journey through the Tree Kingdom (by walking or by Planist/Druidic means), and return through a different spiritual tree form.  If he has effectively selected this at random, the Exit Tree will be a random one in the Real Forest.  Note that the relative positions of trees in the Kingdom do not quite correspond to those in the Real Forest, as they are grouped in the Kingdom by hierarchy of species, genus and descent, rather than by where they happen to have seeded.  The Druid may recognise the spiritual form of a tree from which he has previously instressed at least 10IP, though he will still have to find it in the Kingdom (the Locate Trees Spell is useful for this).  If he does recognise it, that tree will be the Exit Tree.  He may have difficulty recognising a tree instressed from over a year ago.
  7. Exiting the Kingdom using the Power without having entered it using the Power counts as one of the 3 permitted uses of the Power per Cd, and vice versa.
  8. The Power may also be used to move within the Tree Kingdom, from one species to another.  For example, it may be used to move directly from the Oak Kingdom to the Birch Kingdom.  Such links may only be followed between the spiritual forms of trees which are physically close to each other in the same Real Forest.  It may be used to move between trees from which the Dr has previously instressed at least 10IP each (and so is familiar with their Real positions). Each such movement counts as one of the 3 permitted uses of the Power per Cd, but does not result in an additional HP or Insanity Level recovery (except that the additional Insanity Level is recovered on entry of the Hazel Kingdom).
  9. Knowledge of the Mysteries of the Tree Kingdom gives Dreamer Level +0.1.  Druids of the Tree People are initiated into the Mysteries on being Delegated this Power (ULT = 10 hours).