3. Envenom
Snake Cycle /Scorpion
Cycle / J'Ungol Cycle
BTS: n/a
ULT: 24 hours
Materials: a snake's fang / scorpion's stinger /
spider's stinger (as applicable by Cult)
Actions: touch or present Materials to Target
Effect of Throw:
1 to 12 No Effect
13 to 22 Causes (T-12)/2 FRU Poison
Levels ("PL")
23 to 42 Causes (T-2)/4 FRU PL
³ 43 Causes (T+18)/6 FRU PL
Range: 2d ft
-d If touch Materials to Target, there is no Range minus.
If present materials to Target at a distance, Range is at least 0 ft, so
there will be a Range minus of at least -4.
Duration: 5t min -t(t-1)/2
Suspend Animation effect from Poison (instead of
Death): -0 (J'Ungol Cycle for Spider Cultists only
- may be specified as a Variable Parameter at Caster's option, without any
- For the Poison System see
Section 7. of the General Systems.
- Cast on a single Target only, which must be an object (e.g.
a weapon). The Target object may be
specified as just the blade of a weapon or the tip of an arrow. The
Venom is concentrated as appropriate to fit on the Target.
- A Target object functions as if coated with Blade Venom for the
Duration. Once it causes >0 DAM (after ADS) to a Target, all the
Poison is discharged into him. He gets no st, but must make a Co
check vs unconsciousness or death / suspend animation as applicable.
- Once the Venom has poisoned a Being, it remains in his body like any
other Poison, and does not disappear on expiry of the Duration.
- Poisonous Animals or Monsters are typically resistant to Poison.
- Multiple Poisons are cumulative to Poison a Target. If Multiple Envenom
/ Blade Venom Spells are Cast on an
object, they will be cumulative, and all will discharge at once on causing