3./4. Infect with Lycanthropy
Feline (Tiger /
Jungle Cults only) / Lupine / Porcine
/ Rodent /
Simian / Ursine
BTS: 58/62% (Co)
ULT: 30/40 hours
Materials: a tooth or claw from the appropriate
Were (if Caster himself is infected and a Full Moon has passed since
infection, he may use his own teeth or claws / fingernails as Materials)
Actions: make a biting or clawing gesture at
Target with Materials
Effect of Throw:
L3 Spell |
L4 Spell |
1 to 12 |
No Effect |
1 to 13 |
No Effect |
13 |
% Chance of Success
= 5(T-12)% |
14 |
% Chance of Success
= 5(T-13)% |
NB Chance of Success is halved when there is No
Moon or doubled when there is a Full Moon.
Range: 30d ft -d(d-1)/2
Cast on Object / Carrier: -4
ML of Were: +M
ML of Wererats = 1+M
ML of Wereboars / Weremonkeys = 2+M
ML of Werewolves = 3+M
ML of Weretigers = 4+M
ML of Werebears = 5+M
- Cast on a single Target living Being, who gets a ST. May also be
Cast on an object or carrier Being (alive, dead or Undead) to infect
them with the Disease-bearing organism. Carriers get a ST if
alive, and if they fail the ST they get a further ST against contracting
the Disease.
- If Target chooses not to or fails to save, roll d100 and if roll <=
% Chance of Success, he is infected with Lycanthropy
of the Were appropriate to the Caster's Cult (i.e. Weretigers for Tiger
Cults, Werewolves for Wolf Cults, Wereboars for Pig Cults, Wererats for
Rat Cults, Weremonkeys /
Weregorillas for Monkey Cults and Werebears for Bear Cults) with ML determined by type of
Were and Variable Parameter (as above). Infection is permanent
(until Cured).
- Lycanthropy is rife amongst applicable Cults, due to the ease of
Casting this Spell upon a Target who chooses not to save and/or the
presence of already-infected Cultists who can infect others. The
Spell can be Cast upon an already-infected Target in order to increase
the ML of his infection (multiple infections are not cumulative, but the
highest counts as a single infection).
- A newly-infected Target cannot assume Were form until the
next night of a Full Moon, but is infectious immediately. He will be
compelled (no st) to assume Were form at each night of a Full Moon.
- Carriers who do not contract the Disease do not get the ability /
liability to assume Were form, but can infect like a Were.
- Weres and Carriers (including Carrier objects, e.g. an Infected
weapon) infect with Lycanthropy of their ML by causing Damage
>0. The victim gets a st @ BTS 50 + 5ML% (Co) (a st has to be made each time
Damage is taken).
- The Lycanthropy virus is caused by an Organism and has Disease Level = its ML (for purposes of
Cure Disease).