3. Locate Natural Place

Druid Cycle

BTS: n/a

ULT: 24 hours

Materials: a forked stick

Actions: hold forks of stick, which will point towards the Located Natural Place to guide the Caster if Spell succeeds

Effect of Throw:

1 to 12 No Effect

13 to 16 Circs Mod: 0.25 * (T-12); i.e. T16 to locate Circs Mod 1

³ 17 Circs Mod: 0.125 * (T-8); i.e. T24 to locate Circs Mod 2

Duration: t hr - t(t-1)/2


  1. The Caster may specify a minimum Circs Mod to be Located.  If T is insufficient to Locate that Circs Mod, the Spell fails.  If no minimum Circs Mod is specified, the Spell will Locate the nearest place with Circs Mod ³ 0.25.
  2. The Spell gives the direction of the nearest location with the specified minimum Circs Mod within the Forest.  The Caster is given the location of the Located place by the forked stick during the Duration, whilst he lightly concentrates.
  3. The Caster can specify a particular place previously instressed for at least 10IP, in which case its Circs Mod applies as the minimum, and only it can be Located.