6. Regrowth

Druid Cycle

BTS: 35% (Co)

ULT: 48 hours

Materials: a straight piece of wood

Actions: place Materials against where limb etc. is to be Regrown, or gesture doing so if Cast at Range

Effect of Throw:

1 to 15 No Effect

³ 16    HitLoc Regrown = 2(T-15) %

Range: d ft -d(d-1)/2


  1. Cast on a single HitLoc Area of a living Target Being.
  2. Instantaneously repairs Crippling, Severance or Withering results from Damage or other Spells or effects up to a maximum number of Hit Locations given by T..  Works on arms, legs, wings, tails or other appendages (as applicable for Target's Effects of Specific Damage table).  Will also regrow parts of trees and plants that have been damaged or cut off (for Plant and Tree Sizes see Vegetable Growth - the DM will determine the appropriate HitLoc of a branch to be Regrown).
  3. Does not work to regrow a severed head, as this usually causes death.  However Regrowth can be used to regrow a head of a living multi-headed being that has a shared mind.
  4. Hit Loc Areas are assumed to have suffered the result to be Regrown throughout their HitLoc, irrespective of where the blow that caused the result landed.  If T does not give sufficient HitLoc to Regrow the whole HitLoc Area, the Sepll has no effect.
  5. Target must already have suffered a result that can be Regrown.  Casting Spell on a Target before he has suffered such a result does not protect him from a subsequent such result but if Regrowth resolves in the same second as a result is caused that does not cause death, then it will be effective against that result.
  6. Regrowth Cures all Damage which has resulted in the Severance.  If more Damage is taken in that HitLoc Area than was needed to have caused the result to be regrown, all the Damage taken up to and including the second of resolution of the Regrowth is Cured.  Bleeding and Pain results are also Healed.  E.g. a Sz !0 Person has taken 52% in the Left Arm, which is Crippled but not Severed.  He has Bled an inital 5% and is Bleeding a further 5% / min and is at Pain Level 1.  A succesful Regrowth of T25 or better will Heal the Crippling, all Specific Damage to the Left Arm and stop the Pain and further Bleeding, but will not Cure the HP of General Damage that have already been Bled.
  7. Regrown limbs etc. are naked.  Armour and clothing that has been lost or damaged is not replaced or repaired.
  8. Spell hits Target automatically, but is subject to a Saving Throw, which negates the Spell completely.  Animals and Plants will not normally attempt to save if suitably reassured by the Druid (it is believed the Nature Spirit translates for Plants and dumber Animals).