6./7. Stampede

Yribt Cycle of the Beastmasters / Yribt Cycle

BTS: n/a

ULT: 50/60 hours

Materials: a piece of horn or hoof

Actions: brandish Materials at target mammals, and incite them to stampede

Effect of Throw:

1 to 15/16 No Effect

>= 16/17 Maximum Number of Mammals Controlled = d6 + (T-16) / d4 + (T-17)  or the actual number of mammals within Radius if less.  A Maximum Number Controlled may be specified on Casting, and will apply if the result of T exceeds it.  It can take up to (Maximum Number Controlled) seconds for all the mammals to start stampeding.

Duration: 10t min - t(t-1)/2    plus each Mammal Controlled will continue stampeding for d6/d4 minutes after Duration, unless told to stop during Duration

Range: 60d ft -d(d-1)/2    = maximum distance from Caster to centre of Radius to maintain Control, calculated from the Caster's present position if he moves.

Radius: 20r ft -r(r-1)/2    If more mammals are within Radius than Maximum Number Controlled, the more vigorous (usually the dominant male and then the younger males) will start Stampeding in preference to the less vigorous.  Control can only be maintained whilst Mammals Controlled remain within the Radius.  They may walk outside the Radius if Control is not maintained upon them, but herd animals will tend to keep together in a herd rather than split up.  The Radius moves, centred on the most vigorous mammal that first started stampeding.


  1. Causes a herd of mammals to stampede at up to their maximum movement rate
  2. The target mammals must all be of the same species.  They do not need to be a herd animal, and the Spell will work on a single specimen (e.g. a lone bull elephant).
  3. The Stampeding mammals are all protected against exhaustion by the Spell effect.
  4. Light concentration by the Caster is required to maintain Control and issue instructions.  They will tend to keep following the last instructions received for up to d6/d4 min.
  5. Heavy concentration by the Caster is required to make a Controlled Mammal do anything other than run and trample anything in its path, e.g. to make it fight.  Only one mammal can be so Controlled at a time, and will only keep following such instructions for d6 seconds.
  6. A person trampled by the Stampede will take (No. of Stampeding Mammals to trample him) d4 General Damage BTS 70/74% (Co).  If trampled by large mammals (e.g. elephants), substitute d6s for the d4s.
  7. The Caster should be careful to allow the mammals to return whence they came.  A simple command to return just before the expiry of the Duration is usually sufficient.  This does not of course apply if the mammals are being moved for a reason such as to avoid the approach of hunters.