4. / 5. Strengthen Metal (Keragund
version)/ Strengthen Metal (standard version)
Ranian Cycle
BTS: 62 / 66% (Wp) - Magic Items only
ULT: 32 / 40 hours
Materials: a piece of steel or mithril of at least
20 wt pts
Actions: touch Materials to Target Metal, or point
them at it if Cast at a Range
Effect of Throw:
1 to 13 / 14 No Effect
³ 14 / 15 Strengthen 10(T-14)/P (for L4
Spell) or 10(T-14)/P (for L5 Spell) wt pts of Target Metal by Plus - if Target
Metal weighs more, it is Strengthened by Plus * (wt pts given by T) / (wt
pts of Target Metal), FRD
Plus: P -P2+1
Range: 4d ft -(4+d(d+1)/2) If Cast by touching
Target Metal, there is no Range minus. Otherwise Range is at least 0 ft, so
there will be a Range minus of at least -4.
- Strengthens a single piece of Target Metal. Armour may be
Strengthened as suits of the same kind of mail or in separate whole pieces (by HitLoc Area).
- The Spell effect is permanent. Target Metal is not Magically
enchanted (so does not Detect as Magical or count as Magical vs Undead, Demons or
Monsters which are only vulnerable to Magical attacks). It is just made
- Plus is amount added to ADS of Strengthened armour. However Plus
is instead subtracted from original ADS for the purpose of calculating Shattering
risks. E.g. Platemail Strengthened to Plus 2 will ADS between 4
and 7 Dam, but will shatter on taking a blow of ≥18
- Strengthened shields get Plus to ADS and take -1 to their ADS for
every 2 Dam they take over their current ADS as normal. However,
Plus is instead subtracted from current ADS for the purpose of
calculating Shattering
risks. E.g. a Standard Shield Strengthened to Plus 1 has ADS of 7,
so a blow of 10 Dam will reduce its ADS to 6, or a blow of ≥
15 Dam will destroy it in one go.
- Strengthened weapons get Plus to normal max DAM for calculating ADS of
a Parry by them, e.g. a Taper Axe has DAM of 2d4+1, so normally ADS's 18
when Parrying. If Strengthened to Plus 3, it can ADS 24 when
Parrying. However Plus is instead subtracted from normal max DAM
for the purpose of calculating Shattering
risks. E.g our example Taper Axe will shatter on Parrying a blow of ≥24
- Strengthened weapons do not do additional Dam as such. A skilled
armourer may be able to sharpen a strengthened edged weapon so that it
does additional Dam, but the increased brittleness makes this difficult.
- There is no system effect to strengthening thrown weapons, arrows or quarrels.
- Subsequent Casts of Strengthen Metal are not cumulative: e.g. to
Strengthen +1 Metal to +2, a successful Cast at a Plus of 2 is required.
- Mithril counts as already Strengthened to +1, or possibly more,
dependent on the skill of the Dwarven armourer who has forged it, but
without the brittleness effects.