* Restricted: Keragund Drs only
6. Transport via Organisms
Ranian Cycle
BTS: 30% (Sz)
ULT: 75 hours
Materials: an
Organism (the "Entry
of the same species (see Note 5.) as target Organism (the "Exit
Organism"), and at
least as big as the Caster, Passengers and possessions (though not
necessarily the same height or width)
Actions: Passengers hold hands with Caster / each
other, and Caster steps into Entry Organism in final second of Spell Casting,
followed by Passengers. They may bend down or crawl to comply with
height restriction on Materials.
Effect of Throw:
1 to 16 No Effect (but see Note 1)
17 %age Chance of Success = 5(T-7)%
Passengers: N living passengers -2N (in addition to Caster
- must hold
Weight: 600w weight points -w(w-1)/2 (excluding body
weight of Caster and Passengers)
- Allows the Caster and Passengers to step into the Entry
Organism and out
of the Exit Organism,
irrespective of distance or Forest. They will appear to (non-Truesighting)
observers to have been digested by the Entry Organism (including any
material that species would not normally digest) or to have been excreted
by the Exit Organism. They will not be attacked or digested by
either Organism, unless the Spell has No Effect. If the Chance of
Success roll is failed, they are excreted unharmed by the Entry Organism.
- The Caster must have previously have instressed at least 10IP from the
Exit Organism. If less than 10IP have been instressed, ratio %age
Chance of Success by (IP instressed)/10. If the Exit Organism was last instressed before the Caster bound (finished
learning) Transport via Organisms, he takes -10 (-1 per 1/10 LT outstanding). There is
also a penalty of -1 per year since Exit Organism last instressed last
visited. There is no limit to the number of potential Exit Organisms which can be
remembered in this way.
- Entry and Exit Organisms on different Planes count as different
destinations. Normal penalties apply (see "Casting Spells
between the Planes" in the General Magic-Using System) for Transporting
via Organisms to another Plane.
- The Caster must always Transport himself. If he saves, the
fails for all Passengers.
- The Entry and Exit Organisms must both be of the same
species of Organisms. For example, the Spell allows transport from
Black Pudding to Black Pudding, but not from Black Pudding to Ochre Jelly,
even though both are Jellies.
See also the FAQ for Planist Spells