5. Yribt Command

Yribt Cycle

BTS: 66% (At) or as per nearest equivalent Spell

ULT: 100 hours

Materials: animal matter

Actions: describe desired effect

Effect of Throw:

1 to 14 No Effect

³ 15 Effective Throw = T + 5 - (Spell Level of desired effect)

Variable Parameters: v - v(v-1)/2 or as per variable parameters of nearest equivalent Spell


  1. Restricted to Druids of DrL >=5.
  2. Has LL=2.
  3. Allows the Druid to Command whatever he wills within the influence of the Yribt Cycle.  Only effects which are capable of being granted to the Caster as standard or non-standard Druidic Spells may be achieved (in particular they must be natural to be within the Cycle).
  4. With effect from 12 II 2505 the base cost of Casting Yribt Command (in SP and IP) is equal to the base cost of a Druidic Spell of the Level of the Yribt Command plus the base cost of the nearest equivalent Druidic Spell the Effect of which is being Commanded.  E.g. to Cast Yribt Command (L5) for the Effect of an Anti-Animal Shell (L6) costs 6 +7 = 13SP + (13 * 5) = 65IP.
  5. State Command in any language (preferably Old Speech), immediately after the Spell is Cast. If the Command is stated in Old Speech the time this will take is at least equal to the normal Casting time of the nearest equivalent Spell.  If the Command is stated in another language, it will take at least twice as long, and more if parameters are varied.  It is not possible to reduce the time to state the Command, as it is for Casting time.  The Command must be clearly declaimed aloud.  The Actions when Casting should be descriptive of the desired effect, and may be continued into giving the Command.  Stating the Command is part of Casting, so D and RD remain at 0 and Interspell Time is not recovered.
  6. Effects take place immediately after the Command has been stated in full.
  7. Where there is an equivalent Druidic Spell to the desired effect, the Effective Throw gives the T on that Spell, and the Variable Parameters are those applicable to that Spell.  If there are pre-requisites for the particular Spell effect (other than Materials or Actions), they must be complied with.  The Caster need not have learned the Spell, but it will be harder for him to state a correct and efficient Command if he has not (erasing Spells with Memory Control gives the same result as not having learned them).
  8. If there is no equivalent Druidic Spell to the desired effect, the DM will determine the effect of the Command at his discretion, having regard to similar Spell Specs.
  9. If no parameters are varied in the Command, the Variable Parameters will be the applicable defaults.  However parameters may be varied by implication; e.g. if the Caster states he is targeting a target at a particular range or within a particular radius.
  10. If the T achieved, after applying the Variable Parameters Commanded, is insufficient to produce the desired effect, the Command fails.
  11. Non-Cultist Druids may use Yribt Command to produce the effects of appropriate Beastmaster and other Animal Cultist Spells as stated in section 7.3 of the Druidic System.