Elementalist Spell Specification

Class: Water / Enchanter (Multi-Elemental)

4./5./5. Aqueous Form (Personal) / Aqueous Form / Word of Aqueous Form

BTS: 35% (Co) (Aqueous Form only)

ULT: 200/225/225 hours

Materials: none

Actions: none

Word of Aqueous Form is a Word Spell

Effect of Throw:

L4 Spell

L5 Spells

5 to 14


10 to 19


15 to 17

Caster's clothes and possessions all go Aqueous for 3 to 1 hours (no st for Magic Items)

20 to 22

Caster's clothes and possessions all go Aqueous for 3 to 1 hours (no st for Magic Items)

18 to 21

No Effect

23 to 26

No Effect

>= 22

Non-body weight converted:    (T-22)*100 wt pts

>= 27

Non-body weight converted:    (T-25)*100 wt pts

Duration:    10t min    - t(t-1)/2

Range (Aqueous Form only):    d ft    -(4+d)    If cast on self, there is no Range minus. If cast on others, Range is at least 0 ft, so there will be a Range minus of at least -4.

Max Speed:    5s ft/sec    -s(s-1)/2


  1. Multi-Elemental Water & Enchanter Spell: may be Cast as a Water or Enchanter Spell. If Caster has both a Water Elemental of Level >=4/5 and an Enchanter Elemental of Level >=4/5 Activated, they get +4/5 on Casting this Spell.
  2. Cast on a single Target corporeal Being.  Aqueous Form (Personal) and Word of Aqueous Form may be Cast on self only.  Aqueous Form may be Cast on self or on others using Range.
  3. Change to Aqueous Form and back takes 1 sec.  Caster may change back with 1 sec's heavy concentration, terminating Duration.  Other Targets will change back involuntarily on end of Duration (subject to Extensions).
  4. The body of the Target becomes Aqueous together with all clothes and possessions carried by the Target, up to the weight limit given by T. If the Target is carrying a greater weight than converted by T, the lightest will convert, selecting randomly between those of equal weight.
  5. An Aqueous Form is incorporeal and therefore immune to physical damage and Enchanter Spells, but will be affected normally by area General Damage, such as Cold and Lightning.  Fire has no effect on it.
  6. The Aqueous Form is clear water, having the same size and appearance as the Target's physical body and converted possessions.  It is visible (as shiny, reflective bubbles) being easier to see in dirty water than clean water. Observers may spot the Aqueous Form using Detect Hiding with DL3 for clear water falling to DL0 for filthy water (although filthy water will obscure the seeing of anything). The Target may also Hide in Shadows while in Aqueous Form.
  7. The Target can move silently at up to Max Speed through water or other liquids and change shape at will (e.g. to go through nets or grilles).  The Aqueous Form and movement in it are subject to currents.  A current or turbulence of 20 ft/sec or greater (ignoring his own movement) will cause Target to make a st every sec at BTS = (speed of current)% (Co), which if failed will result in (no. by which failed) HP General Damage.  100% General Damage will fatally dissipate them.
  8. On land an Aqueous Form will turn into a puddle, flowing as normal water.  It will flow without harm over impervious rock, but will soak into soil which absorbs water, causing Target to make a st every sec at BTS = 60% (Co, which if failed will result in (no. by which failed) HP General Damage.
  9. The Target has their normal perceptions in Aqueous Form and can talk and Cast Spells with Words and Actions (but not most Materials).  They cannot pick up objects, and cannot therefore fight with corporeal weapons.  Beings in Aqueous Form cannot exchange Aqueous possessions with each other.