Elementalist Spell Specification
2. Blow
[Wind Speed - 20]% (St)
ULT: 50 hours
Materials: none
Actions: exhale the Word
Word Spell
Effect of Throw:
-2 to 7 Insanity
8 to 9 Caster is Blown backwards by a Gust of 100 to 90 mph (no st)
10 to 12 No Effect
13 to 20 Gust of Wind Speed 5T mph
³ 21 Gust of Wind Speed 2(T+30)
Duration: t sec - t(t-1)/2
Range: 60d ft -d(d-1)/2
(may state a maximum Range less than that given by the parameter)
Radius at end of Range: 10r ft -r(r-1)/2
(may state a maximum Radius less than that given by the parameter)
- Creates a gust of wind from Caster's mouth in a cone up to Range and
Radius at end of Range. Wind direction is away from Caster.
Caster may turn his head to direct the Gust if Duration > 1 sec.
- Caster may state a maximum Wind Speed, in which case Wind Speed is
that given by Throw or that specified, whichever is less.
- Beings caught in the Gust and not belayed or otherwise secured must
make a st
vs being blown off ground for (1 to (Range)) ft
(even if Wind Speed is < 100mph). Note they may be Blown beyond the
Range. See the Falling and
Landing systems for the
- Blow produces a
Control Winds Effect. All Control Winds Effects
and the natural wind are cumulative, as stated in the
General Notes for Air Spells.