Elementalist Spell Specification

Class: Air

2. Blow

BTS: [Wind Speed - 20]% (St)

ULT: 50 hours

Materials: none

Actions: exhale the Word

Word Spell

Effect of Throw:

-2 to 7 Insanity

8 to 9 Caster is Blown backwards by a Gust of 100 to 90 mph (no st)

10 to 12 No Effect

13 to 20 Gust of Wind Speed 5T mph

³ 21 Gust of Wind Speed 2(T+30) mph

Duration: t sec    - t(t-1)/2

Range: 60d ft    -d(d-1)/2    (may state a maximum Range less than that given by the parameter)

Radius at end of Range: 10r ft        -r(r-1)/2    (may state a maximum Radius less than that given by the parameter)


  1. Creates a gust of wind from Caster's mouth in a cone up to Range and Radius at end of Range.  Wind direction is away from Caster.  Caster may turn his head to direct the Gust if Duration > 1 sec.
  2. Caster may state a maximum Wind Speed, in which case Wind Speed is that given by Throw or that specified, whichever is less.
  3. Beings caught in the Gust and not belayed or otherwise secured must make a st vs being blown off ground for (1 to (Range)) ft (even if Wind Speed is < 100mph).  Note they may be Blown beyond the Range.  See the Falling and Landing systems for the consequences.
  4. Blow produces a Control Winds Effect.  All Control Winds Effects and the natural wind are cumulative, as stated in the General Notes for Air Spells.