Elementalist Spell Specification

Class: Enchanter

3. Body Control

BTS: 70% (Co)

ULT: 75 hours

Materials: a doll or puppet

Actions: manipulate Materials

Effect of Throw:

-1 to 8 Insanity

9 to 11 Elemental Controls Caster's body for 3 to 1 min, and will probably do something unpleasant with it

12 to 15 No Effect

³ 16    Max SL Affected = (T/2)-6 FRD

Duration: t min - t(t-1)/2

Range: 60d ft -d(d-1)/2


  1. Cast on a single target living being ("Target"), who must have Saving Level <= Max SL Affected and fail his st for Spell to have effect.
  2. Gives Caster control over Target's body whilst using heavy concentration to make him take actions or light concentration to hold him motionless.  If Caster stops concentrating, Target regains control of his body, but will lose it again on Caster resuming concentration (no further st).  Caster needs a line of sight to maintain control, but a temporary obstruction, e.g. in a melee, will not prevent it.
  3. Target will Fight and Thieve at whichever is the lowest of his or Caster's ability at the activity attempted.  Target cannot be made to Cast Spells, as this requires a mental component.  Target can be made to kill himself if Caster so desires.
  4. Target retains control of his mind and senses and is able to cast thought or reflex Spells.
  5. Body Control overrides body Spell effects of Level < 3 (e.g. Sleep, Paralise, Hold Person), though they will resume effect if Caster stops concentrating.  It does not override body Spell effects of Level >= 3 (e.g. Word of Stun).  This includes equivalent body Spell effects of other Magic-Using disciplines (e.g. it overrides Clerical Hold Person).