Elementalist Spell Specification

Class: Enchanter

3. Cause Wounds

BTS: 60% (Co)

ULT: 75 hours

Materials: none

Actions: none required (but many Casters like to make a slashing motion at Target as they Cast and growl the Incantation)

Word Spell

Effect of Throw:

-1 to 8 Insanity

9 to 11 Caster takes 3d6 to 1d6 Damage in Hit Location (determined as per Note 3 but rerolling if would miss him), no st

12 to 15 No Effect

16 to 20    Damage Caused = (T-15)

21 to 30    Damage Caused = (T-10)/2 FRU

³ 31    Damage Caused = T/3 FRU

Range:    30d ft    -d(d-1)/2

Hit Location Variation ±5H%    -H(H+1)/2


  1. Cast on a single Target living corporeal body.
  2. Wounds hit Targets automatically, but are subject to Hit Location and Saving Throw.
  3. Hit Location = d(100 ± (Hit Location Variation))% RUD.  If scatters above Hit Location 01, or below max. Hit Location of Target, wound misses. Unless the Max Hit Location parameter is appropriately used, Targets whose max. Hit Location is < 100 therefore have a chance of being missed, and Targets whose max. Hit Location is > 100 are therefore unlikely to be hit in a Location > 100.  The full Damage is taken in the HitLoc Area hit, subject as below.
  4. Saving Throws halve damage (FRU) if succeed, and give another st.
  5. ADS is ineffective, except for Magical Prots. adding to ADS; e.g. Body Armour Spell is effective, but +n magical armour is not.