Elementalist Spell Specification
Class: Enchanter
3. Cause Wounds
BTS: 60% (Co)
ULT: 75 hours
Materials: none
Actions: none required (but many Casters like to
make a slashing motion at Target as they Cast and growl the Incantation)
Word Spell
Effect of Throw:
-1 to 8 Insanity
9 to 11 Caster takes 3d6 to 1d6 Damage in Hit Location (determined as per Note
3 but rerolling if would miss him), no st
12 to 15 No Effect
16 to 20 Damage Caused = (T-15)
21 to 30 Damage Caused = (T-10)/2 FRU
³ 31 Damage Caused =
Range: 30d ft -d(d-1)/2
Hit Location Variation ±5H% -H(H+1)/2
- Cast on a single Target living corporeal body.
- Wounds hit Targets automatically, but are subject to Hit Location and
Saving Throw.
- Hit Location = d(100 ± (Hit Location
Variation))% RUD. If scatters above Hit Location 01, or below max. Hit
Location of Target, wound misses. Unless the Max Hit Location parameter is
appropriately used, Targets whose max. Hit Location is < 100
therefore have a chance of being missed, and Targets whose max. Hit
Location is > 100 are therefore unlikely to be hit in a Location >
100. The full Damage is taken in the HitLoc Area hit, subject as
- Saving Throws halve damage (FRU) if succeed, and give another st.
- ADS is ineffective, except for Magical Prots. adding to ADS; e.g. Body
Armour Spell is effective, but +n magical armour is not.