Elementalist Spell Specification

Class: Enchanter

4. Drain Life

BTS: 65% (Co)

ULT: 100 hours

Materials: none

Actions: none required (but many Casters like to point at Target as they Cast)

Word Spell

Effect of Throw:

3 to 12 Insanity

13 to 15 Caster takes 3d6 to 1d6 additional Damage in random Hit Location where he has already suffered wounds and Target is cured of up to the same amount in any Hit Locations, no st for either

16 to 19 No Effect

20 to 24    Damage Drained = (T-19)

25 to 34    Damage Drained = (T-14)/2 FRU

³ 35    Damage Drained = (T-4)/3 FRU

Range: 20d ft    -d(d-1)/2

St mod.: BTS +5n%    -n2


  1. Instantly cures Damage to Caster by causing Damage to a single Target living corporeal Being.
  2. Will not do more Damage to Target than Caster has taken.
  3. If Target saves, Caster is not cured.  Caster does not get a st.
  4. Only cures Damage to Caster and stops any resultant Bleeding.  Does not cure any other effects of Damage (e.g. crippling or severance of limbs, unconsciousness, death).

  5. Transfers the wounds taken by the Caster to the same HitLoc Areas on Target.  Where Damage has been taken by Caster to several HitLoc Areas and/or General Damage, the HP cured / transferred are applied pro rata, favouring the greater totals.  The Spell may not be Cast targeting a particular HitLoc Area.

  6. ADS of Target is ineffective, except for Magical Prots. adding to ADS; e.g. Body Armour Spell is effective, but +n magical armour is not.  If Damage caused to Target is reduced by a Magical Prot., Damage cured to Caster is reduced by the same amount.