Elementalist Spell Specification
3. Magic Resistance
BTS: 30% (At)
ULT: 75 hours
Materials: none
Actions: none
Effect of Throw:
-1 to 8 Insanity
9 to 11 Target has 99%/66%/33% chance of failing any st vs. Magic for
12 to 15 No Effect
³ 16 Magic
Resistance of 10% * sqr. rt. (T-15) (FRD); i.e.
- T16: 10%
- T19: 20%
- T24: 30%
- T31: 40%
- T40: 50%
- T51: 60%
- etc.
Duration: t min -(t-1)
Range: d ft
-(4+d) If cast on self, there is no Range minus. If cast on others, Range is
at least 0 ft, so there will be a Range minus of at least -4.
- Cast on a single Target Being, who may choose whether to make a st
against it (at his previous SL).
- Before Target takes any Magical Spell or Effect during Duration
(whether or not a saving throw needs to be made) roll > Magic
Resistance on d100 or it has no effect. Does not apply to DAM from
magic weapons (but does apply to non-damage effects caused by those
weapons). Target can waive the Magic Resistance, like choosing not
to make a st.
- Cumulative with other Spells, Effects and Powers giving Magic
Resistance, except for the Magic Resistance Power of Demons and other Casts of
itself. Where the Effects are not cumulative, the highest applies.
- Works in addition to Prot. vs. Magic and
other Effects increasing Saving Level. Check for Magic Resistance
before making st.