Elementalist Spell Specification
2. Prot. vs. Magic
BTS: 27% (At)
ULT: 50 hours
Materials: none
Actions: none
Effect of Throw:
-2 to 7 Insanity
8 to 9 Target takes SL vs. Magic -20 to -10 for Duration
10 to 12 No Effect
³ 13 SL +
4 sqr. rt. (T-12) (FRD); i.e.
- T13: SL +4
- T16: SL +8
- T21: SL +12
- T28: SL +16
- T37: SL +20
- T48: SL +24
- etc.
Duration: t min -(t-1)
Range: d ft
-(4+d) If cast on self, there is no Range minus. If cast on others, Range is
at least 0 ft, so there will be a Range minus of at least -4.
- Cast on a single Target Being, who may choose whether to make a st
against it (at his previous SL).
- Increases Target's Saving Level
("SL") for Duration against Magical Effects only, including
the Effects of Spells, Magic Items and Powers.
- Cumulative with other Spells and Effects modifying SL, except for
Clerical Prot. vs. [Alignment] (see
Note 1. to which) or other Casts of itself. Where the Effects are
not cumulative, the highest applies.
- Works in addition to Magic Resistance
Effects. Check for Magic Resistance before making st.