Elementalist Spell Specification
Class: Planist
3. Messages
BTS: n/a
ULT: 90 hrs
ChMod/2 (Mr) applies to the Spell.
Materials: a piece of paper or similar writing material, on which the
message is written in blood (not necessarily the Caster's)
Actions: concentrate hard on remembering applicable conversation with
Effect of Throw:
-1 to 8 Insanity
9 to 11 Message sent to random addressee
12 to 15 No effect
16 to 40 18+(2T)% chance of success
>= 41 100% chance of success
If there is a failure result on the chance of success d100 roll, there is a %
chance that the message will disappear (but not be delivered) equal to the
amount by which missed that needed for success. (For example if you get a Throw
of 25, and so have 68% chance of success, but roll 75, then you have a 7% chance
of the message disappearing undelivered.) Both the chance of success and
chance of disappearance rolls are made secretly by the DM.
Size of Message (if > 1 square inch): i square
inches -2i
Words in Message (if not written in Old Speech): 12w
words -(w-1) (abbreviations may be used, but
joining words together doesn't make them count as one word)
- The Spell transports the Message to a Target Being (the
"Addressee") known to the Caster.
- The Caster must have had a conversation with the Addressee of at least 12
words spoken by each. If less words were spoken by either, ratio T by
(words spoken)/12. Separate ratios apply for words spoken by Caster
and by Addressee.
- If the Caster last conversed sufficiently with the Addressee before the Caster bound (finished
learning) Messages, he takes -10 (-1 per 1/10 LT outstanding).
- There is a penalty of -1 per year since the Caster last conversed
sufficiently with the Addressee.
- If different conversations with the Addressee may result in different
penalties as above, the penalties that apply are those applicable to the
conversation remembered by the Caster as Actions.
- The Caster and Addressee do not have to be in the same place for a
sufficient conversation. They just have to be able to hear and see
each other (sound only conversations do not count).
- If the Caster and Addressee happen to be on different Planes normal penalties apply
for Casting Spells
between the Planes. Note this can result in an unexpected ratio to T.
- The Message appears somewhere about the Addressee's person. He does
not get a saving throw or any form of alarm. Typically, it will appear
in a pocket. If he is naked or shapechanged into another form, the
Planist Elemental delivers it about his person at its discretion!
See also the FAQ for Planist Spells