Elementalist Spell Specification
Class: Charmer
1. Pass Unnoticed
BTS: 60+(ST Mod)% (Wp)
ULT: 25 hours
Materials: a handkerchief or piece of cloth
Actions: pass Materials in front of Target's face
Effect of Throw:
-2 to 7 Insanity
8 to 9 Target is automatically spotted (effectively has DL-12 to -10
against OBS for intended Duration)
10 to 12 No Effect
T |
ST Mod |
13 to 17 |
4(T-12)% |
18 to 27 |
2(T-7)% |
³ 28 |
(T+13)% |
No. Evaded: n -n(n-1)/2
Duration: 30t min - t(t-1)/2
Radius: 60r ft -r(r-1)/2 (moves with Target)
Range: (to cast on others): d ft
- Pass Unnoticed is typically used to slip past guards without being
spotted and without the use of Thievish abilities.
- Spell must be Cast on a Target living mind (which may be Caster's or
another Being's). Target may save against the Spell at BTS/2 if he
- Effect of Spell is to allow Target for Duration to escape the notice of
up to (No. Evaded) located living minds within Radius of Target on which he lightly
concentrates and which fail their sts. Target may locate minds by observing a Being which he assumes has a
mind or by Magical Locate Spells or Effects.
- If a st < 100% is required, the mind is aware of
having to make the save, but not the nature of the Spell
(experienced Charmers may recognise its nature). If a st ³100% is required, the DM makes it
secretly without alerting the mind.
- Only one attempt to Pass Unnoticed may be made against each mind, unless
it has left Radius, in which case a fresh attempt must always be made
(counting as a separate No. Evaded).
- The Pass Unnoticed effect is a trick of the mind, not a Thievish effect
as such. However, an experienced Thief may be able to overcome it by
positively scanning with an appropriate OBS Activity/ies and overcoming a
DL of 10 (in addition to any other applicable factors, such as successful
HIDE Activity/ies by Target).
- The Pass Unnoticed effect overrides Failure effects on Thievish
Activities in relation to those minds that have failed their sts, but is
cumulative with successful effects.
- Because Pass Unnoticed works on the mind, it is effective against all
senses. However it will not override a reading from a specific
Location Spell or Effect (though the mind will still be unable to perceive
Target with its senses). Target may brush past the evaded mind's
body, as Pass Unnoticed is effective against touch, but if Target should
attempt physically to push his body aside to get past, he will be aware of
the force pushing at him, and may resist it.