Elementalist Spell Specification

Class: Earth

3. Sword / Dagger / Axe / Hammer / Mace / Pick / Flail / Spear / Polearm

BTS: none (if Cast on another, he/she must make Actions or Spell fails)

ULT: 80 hours

Materials: none

Actions: Target holds out hand(s) to receive Weapon 

Effect of Throw:

-1 to 8 Insanity

9 to 11 Caster takes the Damage that the Created Weapon would have done in the Target's hands to a random Hit Location (no st) - the Weapon appears for 1 sec to do the Damage

12 to 15 No Effect

16 to 21    Create Weapon with +0 to A

³ 22    Create Weapon with + (T-21)/6 FRD to A, i.e.:

T Magical Bonus to A of Created Weapon
16 to 21 +0 (still counts as Magical Weapon)
22 to 27 +1 = +5% to A
28 to 33 +2 = +10% to A
34 to 39 +3 = +15% to A
40 to 45 +4 = +20% to A
46 to 51 +5 = +25% to A

Weapon Type (specified as a Variable Parameter in Incantation, failing which the first Weapon specified for that Class in the Armoury table appears):

Magical Bonus to P:    P    -3P

Magical Bonus to DAM:    M    -6M

Disembowelling Dice:    X    -10X

Duration: t min - t(t-1)/2

Range: d ft -4+(d(d+1)/2) If cast on self, there is no Range minus. If cast on others, Range is at least 0 ft, so there will be a Range minus of at least -4.


  1. Creates a single Magical Weapon of the Weapon Class stated in the Spell title (e.g. the "Sword" Spell can be used to create a Short Sword, Scimitar, Bastard Sword or Great Sword, but not a Dagger).
  2. As this is an Earth Spell, the Created Weapon is made entirely of metal.  Axes and spears will be created with a metal haft.  It is not possible to create a Quarterstaff or Whip.
  3. The Created Weapon remains in Target's hand(s) for Duration.  The Weapon may not be dropped, or handed to anyone else, but may be dispelled at will.  Thrown Weapons may be thrown, but disappear on hitting something (after doing DAM).
  4. Can only be used to create Melee or Thrown Weapons.