* Restricted Information: leading SHELDA Clerics and Champions only

Magic Item Specification

Type of Item: Platemail

The Armour of Murio

Bestowed by SHELDA upon Her most-loved Champion.  Wearer in the Year 2502 is Jafat, Second Champion of Heaven.

In: , Dx(M): , Mr: , Wp: , Nt: , Ft: ; in SHELDA, At:


Alignment: G/N, Holy to SHELDA

Bound Demon: True Name: [ ]


Platemail with visored helmet, made of burnished steel reflecting with many colours.


  1. ADS +2 to normal Platemail (i.e. max ADS =7 / min ADS = 4)

  2. D & RD +2

  3. Gives complete protection to he who goes in love against all malicious attacks and effects.  Failure to love the enemy negates this effect, as does a random or loving attack by the opponent.  It will not normally work in a Valdrean formal Duel, for example, as they are usually without malice.  The armour need not be on properly to have this effect, though if for example the helmet is not worn, it will not protect against a malicious crossbow bolt to the head.

  4. Fire / Cold / Lightning / Acid and like General Damage Resistance +2 (i.e. subtract 2 from each d6 of General Damage, but not so as to give a negative result on any die)

  5. Weightless: encumbrance and Dx minus 0


Once the Armour has been bestowed upon a Champion, SHELDA will not normally transfer it to another unless the wearer dies, gives it up voluntarily or falls from grace in a major way.

Encumbrance: 0

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