Academia Magicae Valdrensis

Licence Fees, Penalties and Charges

Cost of 1 month's Elementalist Licence 1GP
Cost of 1 year's Elementalist Licence 10GP
Minimum fine for Casting unlicensed Elementalist Spells within Empire (per Spell) 100GP * Spell Level (or 2 * the amount charged to a third party for the Spell, if more)
Minimum penalty for Teleporting into or out of Empire other than via an authorised Teleport Gateway (whether as Caster or passenger) death by summary execution
Recommended charge for Spell-Casting services (guideline only) (100GP * Spell Level) + (100GP * each extra (T+10) required), with 5% being paid to the AMV


The Academia Magicae Valdrensis ("AMV") was first proposed by Crown Prince Prince Kostof II to the Privy Council in Numist 2500 and was officially founded by Kostof II on 7 Garrack 2500.  The initial pilot scheme was to provide Elementalist Initial Basic Training to Clerical trainees amongst the Valdrean Nobility.  There had not previously been any institutionalised training in Elementalism, which had traditionally been provided by private tutors and a few schools run by retired Elementalists in major Cities.  The AMV was intended to be controlled by the Temples, and if the pilot scheme was successful it was intended to be expanded to provide an organised framework for the provision of Clerical IBT too.  A Board of Governors was appointed (selected from the Privy Council), who were to finance the organisation and share in any profits, and an Executive Committee appointed.  A disused former Temple in Valdran (cleared of a Secret Evil Temple by Kostof II) was granted to the AMV as its headquarters.  It was authorised to charge for Spell-Casting services, the fees to be split between the Caster and the AMV.

When the Emperor Kostof 1 of Normeikl proclaimed the Third Valdrean Empire on 24 Weven 2500 the AMV was included in his rationalisation of the Laws of the Second Empire.  The Directorship of the AMV was established as a Ministerial Office (and therefore Duellable) with a seat on the Privy Council, with Toban of Normeikl being appointed as the first Director.  His Second was the Dean of the AMV, with 3 Tutors as their Deputies (again, all Duellable Offices).  All these Officers were members of the Executive Committee.  The AMV was given responsibility for Magic-Using within the Empire, which in practice meant Elementalist and Clerical training.  Spell Casts (mostly Teleports) were sold, a Library of Spells established and there was some limited trading in Magic Items.  Alchemy remained the province of the Alchemists' Guild of Valdrea, the suppression of Demon Summoning the responsibility of the Inquisition into Demon Summoning (IDS), and nobody amongst the Nobility was much interested in Druidism as a Magic-Using discipline.  The AMV co-operated with the Temples, which continued to provide Clerical training.  The Tutors and appointed senior Elementalists were to be the Lecturers who provided the Elementalist training.

The AMV's guideline charging rates for Spell-Casting services soon became the going rates, even outside the Empire and for non-members of the AMV (although without the AMV's percentage being paid to them, or deducted from the price).  They are the standard rates in Fort Venture in particular, where many Elementalists are Valdrean.

With effect from 1 Aval 2501, by Decree of the Emperor Kostof I in Privy Council,  it became illegal to practice Elementalism within the Empire without a licence (costing 7GP per annum) from the AMV. The old restriction on Teleportation into the Empire (which had since the Demarcation of SARAN on 24 Weven 1500 required a stop on the border) was relaxed to allow Teleportation to "approved points".  One such point was approved by the Decree: in Valdran on the old Temple of Heaven on Earth site.  The AMV was given responsibility for approving other points.  "Teleporting" for this purpose included Druidic Transports and Clerical Recalls, though Clerics were permitted to Recall to their Temples, provided they then reported immediately to the civil authorities.

A brief power struggle followed between the AMV and IDS over responsibility for enforcement.  But this was resolved when Delron of Satril (younger brother of Stirros III, Champion of Satril and Director of the I.D.S.) took the Directorship of the AMV following the disappearance of Toban.  On 6 Aval 2501 it was established that the responsibility for enforcing the new Elemental Licensing and Teleporting laws lay with the IDS.

On 19 Destri 2501 the new Emperor Arril I of Tarm announced the extension of the borders of the Empire beyond the Dyke of SARAN.  To the existing list of Approved AMV Teleport Points were added Rockholme, Eralham, Hotif, Krisford and Korred. The old Border Points at Border, Torel, West Post, Scralham, Alyrion and Hapral, as well as the Gateway to Valdrea (the THE site in Valdran), remained legal. The AMV erected statues of famous dead Magic-Users to mark these points. The statue at the Gateway to Valdran was of Toban of Normeikl, first Director of the AMV under the Third Empire and originator of the Gateway concept.  Elementalist Licences were made available for sale at all approved Teleport Gateways.

The Rockholme Teleport Gateway was officially de-listed on the agreement of a new border with the Bandit Kingdom by the Treaty of the Temple of FIDAR on Earth 6 Garrack 2501.  In its place a Gateway on the new border at Fort Kostof was approved.

Elementalist Licence Fees were increased with effect from 1 Aval 2502 to 1GP per month or 10GP per annum.

By Lastra 2503 the AMV (now under the Directorship of Andane of Heaven) had built up sufficient Planist expertise to be able to Cast Teleportals.  The military use of Teleportals in conjunction with the Army and adventurer volunteers was successfully trialed in the Valdrean raid on the Badlands the following month, and Telportals were again deployed (in co-operation with the Dwarves, who had long experience of their use) in the War in the Dungeons and the Lawful invasion of the Far Hills in the Underworld from Destri 2504.  The AMV gained considerable prestige from these operations, which helped cement its status as a fully-fledged arm of the Empire.

On 12 Lastra 2504 the Valdrean Empire, the Kingdom of the Dwarves, the Kingdom of the North, Kyr and Kuntax all announced extended Teleport bans to control the spread of the Chaotic Starweb threat, on pain of death. The Southern Cities and Elves also established Teleport Gateways, though these were not mandatory.  The following is the official notice that was issued:


"With effect from Dawn of 12 Lastra  2504 extended Teleport bans are in effect throughout The Valdrean Empire, The Kingdom of the Dwarves, The Kingdom of the North, The Kingdom of Kyr and the Island of Kuntax.  Any form of Teleporting (including Clerical Recalls and Druidic Transports) to destinations in those countries other than official Teleport Gateways is prohibited until further notice, on pain of death.  The ban will be enforced by Paladinic Follow and Strike Teams and by Reset Location Spells.  Demon Summoning will be used to track offenders, and SARAN has granted a waiver to the Valdrean Empire to allow it to use the services of third parties in this respect.  The purpose of the extended bans is to control the spread of the Chaotic Starweb threat.  The Southern Cities and Lands of the Elves are establishing Teleport Gateways of their own, the use of which is strongly advised.

"By Order of the Emperor, Kings and Merchants' Guild."

Responsibility for enforcement in the Empire remained with the IDS, but the Planist support for the Follow and Strike Teams was organised by the AMV.  It has not been made public to whom the tracking Demon Summoning has been contracted.  Only the Empire and the Kingdom of the Dwarves are known to have executed offenders, though the North, Kyr and Kuntax are all reported to have employed Follow and Strike Teams.

As of Yarom 2504, the extended Teleport bans remained in force everywhere.  The Southern Cities and Lands of the Elves maintained their Gateways, but only as a convenience to Planists who had learned them.

On 19 Destri 2505 the Proclamation of Kyarlin restored the borders of the Valdrean Empire to the Demarcation of SARAN.  The requirement for an AMV Licence and the Teleport bans no longer applied in the Protectorates which were previously part of the Valdrean Empire.  However the existing Teleport Gateways remained for those who wished to use them, and the AMV maintained local offices in the capitals of the Protectorates - at least whilst they remained effectively Valdrean satellites.

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