
Overworld version

Civilized peoples have a written form of their language, (although only the educated few can read and write).  They are interested in art and knowledge; the Clerics in spiritual knowledge, the Sages in material knowledge).

The most advanced form of armour is platemail, the most advanced missile weapon the crossbow.  Dual-masted sailing ships with stern rudder and mizzen are built by the shipwrights of Kuntax, Hapral and Barrakkizdìn.  Horse-drawn wheeled caravans ply the trade routes from Bjarmigen in the North to Iklaron in the South.  The dwarves prefer oxen as motive power.

Glass is produced in affluent areas, but is of poor quality except amongst the Dwarves.  The Dwarves also make the finest steels.  Power is generated by watermills and windmills, or by animal muscle.

Books and scrolls are copied by hand, by scribes or Clerics.  Magic-Using is widespread, though Magic-Users are relatively few in number.  The Valdrean Empire is engaged in a long-term programme to train Elemental Magic-Users, and a licence is required to practice Elementalism within its borders.  Demon-Summoning is forbidden on pain of death within the Empire, but other countries are more tolerant.  Magic in inanimate objects is rare, but Alchemy is well-developed, and there is a standard list of Potions which can be purchased (at exorbitant prices) in most major towns.

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