The Knights of the Rose

"The rose is a symbol of true love, but it also has thorns."
(from the Way of the Rose)

The Knights of the Rose are a Paladinic Order of SHELDA, Goddess of Love.  It is open to SHELDA worshippers who are both Fighters and Clerics, of either sex.  It is predominantly a human order, though a few members of other races have been admitted.

On joining the Order, the Novice dedicates his or her life to the service of SHELDA, by the doing of Good deeds and the combating of the Forces of Evil and Hatred.  The Novice is then trained in Fighting and Clericism of SHELDA, together with other arts if he or she shows aptitude.  On admission to the Knighthood, the Knight swears oaths to defend the weak, to fight against hatred and to follow the Way of the Rose.  He or she is then granted the Paladinic Powers of the Order:

  1. Lay on Hands @ (PlL * 2) HP/Cd or Neutralise 1 Poison Level for 2HP
  2. Immunity to Poison up to PL = PlL
  3. Save vs Hatred + PlL/2
  4. Detect Lies @ T = PlL * 5
  5. Dispel Hatred @ T = PlL * 5

Note that these Powers are mostly at half the effect of the equivalent SARAN Paladinic Powers.  See the FAQ re Paladins for explanations of the Powers.

Knights are expected to earn at least 5 SHELDA credit per Caeriad, and to maintain a balance of at least 100 credit.  They will give their own lives without hesitation to defend those who are unable to defend themselves from hatred or oppression.  The Way of the Rose requires the forsaking of worldly goods, so all a Knight's possessions and treasure belong to the Order.  However, Knights are allowed to keep magic items which will assist them in the service of SHELDA, and the Order provides sufficient funds to maintain its members.  Knights may marry, though they usually form relationships within the Order or the SHELDA Priesthood (the Order being male-dominated, and the Priesthood female-dominated).

The Order has Chapterhouses in most major human cities of the Overworld, with its headquarters at its Citadel in the Southern city of Iklaron.  It is especially popular in the Kingdom of the North and the Valdrean Empire, but also has strong Chapterhouses in Kyr, Kuntax and the Southern Cities.  Its most ascetic Chapterhouse is in Quthar on the Great Oases.  Many Chapterhouses (particularly those in Hapral, Kuntax and the South) have extensive commercial interests, as part of their fundraising activities and to invest the wealth donated by members.  This can sometimes be a source of friction within the Order, and there are occasional purges at the higher levels of the Order.  But generally the Order is well respected, and the Knights of the Rose are honoured and given alms and assistance wherever they go in the Overworld.

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