Sex: f

First appeared: c100


Good / Neutral



Clerical God


A most beautiful, voluptuous young woman of fair complexion, with (usually) pale blonde hair and the bluest of blue eyes. Wears low-cut sleeveless dresses of pastel shades, and a few items of jewellery. Usually wears a little, carefully applied make-up. Her dresses are usually short and Her feet bare or sandalled, but on ceremonial occasions She wears long gowns and sports a complex hairdo. She is never armed.


There are a number of Ways of Love.  The most militant is the Way of the Rose, as followed by the Paladinic Order of SHELDA, the Knights of the Rose.


God of Heaven 1000 to 24 XIII 2500

Temple of Heaven on Earth 2003 to 24 XIII 2500

Temple of Peace on Earth 24 XIII 2500 to 7 VI 2501

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