* Restricted Information: Kayani only
Note: The Kayani Nation lies in the far East of the Overworld, beyond the Jungle and the Mountains of the East. It was largely unknown amongst the People of the West until the aftermath of the Second Battle of Garf Lea, 24 Weven 2500, when SARAN was temporarily weakened and CAERULAS was proclaimed as Clerical and was admitted to the new Temple of Peace on Earth through the agency of Ichixal of the Kayani. The information presented here is from the point of view of the Kayani.
The People of the Kayani Nation live between Sun and Sea. The Sun-God rises from behind an impenetrable wall of mountains, the highest of which, Mt. Ichil, is most Holy to Him. Beyond these mountains lies the Land of the Sun, to which He retires at night. In the opposite direction the Big Water falls away into Darkness and Chaos, out of which come the False Gods to steal mens souls.
Other races live between the Sun and the Sea, but they have fallen prey to the False Gods and grown ugly, as the Sun no longer shines fair upon them. Beyond the desert live the Dwarves, who are the less damned as they still largely follow the Way of Law. But the Goblins, in the other direction, are so completely fallen from Grace that they cannot even look at the Sun.
The Kayani, however, follow the One True Faith: that of CAERULAS, the Sun-God, Who brings life to the World and gives men the Laws on which civilisation is founded. All other so-called Faiths are ruthlessly suppressed, so that the Sun will continue to shine upon the Kayani Nation and they may continue to enjoy His benefits.
The population is concentrated in the fertile irrigated lands of the Taprichi, and in the great city of Cotamichi, which hangs on the rocks above the Taprichi and is the seat of Government. The Nation is ruled by an Emperor, who has been Chosen by the Sun as a model of perfection to which the people should aspire, and who has to be Sought Out again when reincarnated. But the real functions of Government are carried out by the Temple of CAERULAS in the Names of the Sun and of the Emperor, with the Imperial Guard being provided by the CAERULAS Paladinic Order of The Lightbringers.
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