Anarea > Systems > Cults > The Lightbringers

* Restricted: CAERULAS Clerics and Lightbringers only

The Order of The Lightbringers

Symbol of CAERULAS

The Lightbringers are the Paladinic Order of CAERULAS, forming the Military Arm of His Temples.  It is an elite Order and outside the Kayani Nation their numbers are relatively small.  In Cotamichi the greatest Paladins of the Lightbringers form the Imperial Guard of the Emperor of the Kayani.

Before 24 XIII 2500, CAERULAS was only known as a Clerical God amongst the Kayani Nation and only had Temples, and therefore Lightbringers there.  There were a few Temples of CAERULAS in Streets of False Gods, but CAERULAS did not Grant them Clerical Spells or sanction their ordination of Lightbringers.  Following His Proclamation as Clerical at the Temple of Peace on Earth in Bjarmigen on 24 XIII 2500, and the weakening of SARAN at that time, Temples of CAERULAS began to be established across the rest of the Overworld and Lightbringers sworn in to protect them.  As the worship of CAERULAS spread to the Underworld too, Temples of CAERULAS and Lightbringers began to appear there too.

The Order is far from a defensive Temple Guard.  The Lightbringers seek to bring Light to the Darkness of the World and agressively seek out and bring judgement to lawbreakers, Chaotics and those who lurk in the darkness and shadows.  They will fight alongside the Paladins of SARAN and others who pursue such Holy aims.

Admission to the Order is by invitation only.  To be eligible a Cleric of CAERULAS and Fighter with all their Faith in CAERULAS (at least 15 is normally expected) must have earned at least 500 Clerical credit in the service of the Temple, which may be earned as an Acolyte of the Order or by exceptional service in the defence of the Temple.  Ordination is by special service in a Temple of CAERULAS at which they swear an oath of loyalty to CAERULAS in a Commune.  If their Faith and oath are true, CAERULAS then Delegates to them the Paladinic Powers of the Order:

  1. Lay on Hands to Heal (PlL * 4) HP/Cd @ 1HP/sec and/or Cure Disease @ 1 Disease Level instead of 4HP Healed
  2. Immunity to Disease up to Disease Level = PlL
  3. Saving Level + (SP allocated) up to a maximum of PlL SP
  4. Light @ T = PlL * 10
  5. Beam of Light @ T = PlL * 10
  6. Light Sabre @ T = PlL * 10

SP are allocated to Saving Level (and de-allocated) at will by 1 sec's heavy concentration with indefinite duration.  The allocated SP count towards SP available (e.g. for calculating when one goes below 1/2 SP), but do not count as used (e.g. for the same purpose) as they are not expended.  They are not available for use in Spells.  If the number of SP used in Magic-Using reduces total SP available to less than the number of SP allocated, the number allocated is reduced accordingly.  See the FAQ re Paladins for further explanations of the Powers.

Lightbringers must earn at least 5 CAERULAS credit per Caeriad, and maintain a balance of at least 250 credit.  A Lightbringer who falls below these limits must devote themself to restoring them as soon as possible.  Lightbringers must behave Lawfully at all times and hold to their oath.  Lightbringers bear the Sun of CAERULAS proudly upon their armour and shields, and go bravely and boldly into combat, without regard for their own lives.

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