* Restricted Information: denizens and explorers of Far Hills only

The Far Hills

Trikaf Ved Flerrig Kargen The Far Hills

The Far Hills separate the Land of Kargen from the Desert of Fire in the Underworld.  They stretch some thousand miles from the Land of Flerrig in the North East to Ved in the Land of Trikāf and the Broken Teeth mountain range in the South West.

The hills themselves form many ranges of rolling and rocky hills, mostly between two and four thousand feet in height.  They are cut through by valleys, in which many small lakes have formed, and their streams and rivers feed the River Vclo to the South East, the River Sarif to the South West and the River Carrilo to the North East.  The streams running down to the North West eventually boil and evaporate in the lava and coalfields of the Desert of Fire.

The area is inhabited by few people.  Those there are consist mostly of exiles from the surrounding lands: dwarves from Flerrig, orcs from Trikāf, and humans from Kargen.  Explorers are more likely to encounter monsters.

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