Sex: m
son of ESCUS and SARAN
First appeared: c1200
Died: 24 XIII 2500
Good / Lawful
Clerical God
A plumpish, cheery man with close-cropped brown hair, a neat, thin moustache and a ruddy complexion, Who appears to be in His early thirties. Dresses colourfully but smartly, in shirt, trousers, boots and cloak. Wears a little make-up and jewellery. Never appears armed.
BUDIF did not create the World. It had existed for 1200 years before He was born to ESCUS and SARAN. BUDIF teaches that the World was created by Law out of Chaos, and the Gods with it.
BUDIF was created to oppose the Forces of Destruction that were seeking to destroy the World at that time, and still seek it today. He was SARAN's atonement for giving birth to LOFIR, Goddess of Destruction, 500 years earlier, and was revealed as a Clerical God at the same time as TERRIK, God of Waste.
The Creed of BUDIF seeks above all to preserve, protect and improve the World of Anarea, in all its wonder and variety. BUDIF is devoted to restoring that which is destroyed, recovering that which has gone to waste, and creating new things for the benefit of all. BUDIF teaches the virtues of co-operation, organisation and mutual assistance.
But when the Forces of Evil and Chaos seek to destroy and lay waste the good things in the World, BUDIF does not hesitate to oppose them, and even to kill them if necessary for the greater good. BUDIF does not believe in the forcible conversion of His opponents. Better to dispose of them, and start again. BUDIF therefore has a Paladinic Military Order that fights for these principles.
When the Gods of Hell attacked Heaven on 24 Weven 2500, BUDIF was therefore in the forefront of the Gods of Heaven, defending Their home. Sadly on this occasion Destruction was in the ascendancy, and WAGREN, E/L God of Destruction (Who had previously destroyed and usurped BUDIF's old foe, LOFIR) Destroyed BUDIF. The crisis this precipitated (especially after the subsequent death of ORIL, E/C Goddess of Fertility) has continued through the following years, as the Forces of Destruction and Waste that BUDIF held at bay for so long have continued on the rampage.
God of Heaven 1200 to 24 XIII 2500
Temple of Heaven on Earth 2003 to 24 XIII 2500
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