Prior to His Death on 24 XIII 2500, BUDIF, G/L God of Creation, had His own Paladinic Order akin to that of SARAN. The Order was open to Fighter / Clerics of BUDIF who devoted their lives to His service and were created Paladins in Commune. Unlike that of SARAN, the Paladinhood of BUDIF existed as a separate Military Order in its own right, with a command structure, and Paladins were obliged to serve when the call came to battle.
Following the Fall of Heaven in the Year 2000, WACON was promoted to Godhead, as the G/L God of Harmony. Unlike His fellow members of the G/L New Triumdeate, WACON granted Paladinic status, and He offered all former Paladins of BUDIF who put their Faith in Him the opportunity to become Paladins of WACON. The former Paladinic Order of BUDIF survived, as the Paladinic Order of WACON, but there were some differences in its structure.
As befits the service of the God of Harmony, the Paladins of WACON are organised into combat teams, modelled on those of the Men of Heaven, and the focus is on working together as a team. A WACON Paladinic Combat Team may have between three and seven (inclusive) members and each member of the Team is granted Paladinic status, even if he/she is not a Fighter or Cleric. All must have put all their Faith in WACON. The Team Commune for Paladinic status together, and join in a Commune to admit new members. Paladinic Combat Teams are still part of the command structure of the Order, and may be called to service and given specific missions, just like the former BUDIF Paladins.
The Paladinic Powers of the Orders are as follows:
- Lay Hands on Others to Heal (PlL * 3) HP/Cd @ 1HP/sec and/or Restore Senses @ 1 Char Point instead of 6HP Healed
- Immunity to Disease up to Disease Level = PlL
- Saving Level vs Destruction + (SP allocated) up to a maximum of PlL SP
- Detect Destruction @ T = PlL * 10
- Dispel Destruction @ T = PlL * 10
The anti-Destruction abilities are effective against all the agents and works of the Forces of Destruction and Waste (e.g. they work against LOFIR, WAGREN and TERRIK followers, but only against other Evils and Chaotics to the extent they are doing the work of Destruction).
- Lay Hands on Others to Heal (PlL * 3) HP/Cd @ 1HP/sec and/or Cure Madness @ 1 Madness Level instead of 6HP Healed
- Immunity to Madness up to Madness Level = PlL
- Saving Level vs Discord + (SP allocated) up to a maximum of PlL SP
- Detect Discord @ T = PlL * 10
- Dispel Discord @ T = PlL * 10
The anti-Discord abilities are effective against all the agents and works of the Forces of Discord and Disharmony (e.g. they will normally work against TERRIK, DALA and HAERIM followers, but only against other Evils and Chaotics to the extent they are doing the work of Discord).
WACON PlL is the sum of FtL and ClL, even where one or even both are 0. Obviously a non-Ft, non-Cl is not an effective Paladin, but if one should be a member of a Paladinic Combat Team, he/she must still be sworn in as a Paladin and follow the Paladinic Way of Harmony.
SP are allocated (and de-allocated) at will by 1 sec's heavy concentration with indefinite duration. The allocated SP count towards SP available (e.g. for calculating when one goes below 1/2 SP), but do not count as used (e.g. for the same purpose) as they are not expended. They are not available for use in Spells. If the number of SP used in Magic-Using reduces total SP available to less than the number of SP allocated, the number allocated is reduced accordingly. See the FAQ re Paladins for further explanations of the Powers.
Paladins must earn at least 5 credit with their God per Caeriad, and maintain a balance of at least 100 credit. A Paladin who falls below these limits must devote him or herself to restoring them as soon as possible. Paladins must follow the Way of Creation / Harmony at all times and hold to their oaths.
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