(symbol depends on current phase of Moon)
Sex: f
First appeared: 1 I 0
Neutral / Chaotic
The Moon
MIRIMI is a Chaotic cursed with a Lawful cycle. She goes from New Moon to Full Moon to Old Moon to New Moon again in a period of 25 Caeriads. This period is a Lunar Month, and it corresponds to the menstrual period of Her fellow women.
MIRIMI frequently dwells in Heaven, and often takes to random flight across the night sky (and occasionally by day) in the form of a huge sphere, or in the Lunar Chariot, which is pulled by the Silver Unicorns of the Moon. Sometimes She does not even bother to appear at all. It is said She may only walk the surface of the World at New Moon.
Clerical God
A tall, slim, milky-skinned young woman. She is darkly beautiful, with long black hair and large green eyes. Wraps Herself completely in black, which She draws away to let the moonlight flood out. Her cloak billows out to form the lunar sphere. Her chariot is a simple design of the purest silver. It has wings and runners like that of the Sun, and is pulled by 2d4 Silver Unicorns. She is armed with a sword and axe of glass and a glass short bow stringed with hair from the manes of Her unicorns.
MIRIMI is Chaotic, but less out of control and reckless than DALA. There is power in the Moon, which increases as She waxes. When you walk in the Moonlight, you are blessed with that power.
Her Creed teaches of the power of the individual spirit. If one can overcome the chains that bind one, there is little that cannot be achieved. But there is also a note of caution: do not mistake positive bonds, such as friendship, respect and favours owed, for binding chains. For there is strength to be drawn from such bonds.
Unlike DALA, MIRIMI favours deeds above words.
Temple of Heaven on Earth 2200 to 24 XIII 2500
Temple of Peace on Earth from 24 XIII 2500
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