Monster Specification

Lizard Men

Lizard Men

Typical Monster Level ("ML"): 2 to 6

Typical Number Encountered: 3d6, in small tribal groups (may include some young)

Usual Alignment(s): E/N, E/C, E/L, N/N

Description: like people with tails, webbed hands and feet, scales, a spinal ridge of scales from tail to top of head, and pointy teeth

Habitat: freshwater rivers and lakes in Dungeons, Green Areas and Wilderness Areas

There is also a saltwater race who dwell undersea.

Language: Grollzark, some may speak Black Speech, Orcish or Valdrean

Chars: Physical Chars & Senses 3d8, Mental Chars 3d6


Rate Melee Travelling
Walk 3 ft/sec 2 mph
Scamper 4 ft/sec 2.5 mph
Lope 6 ft/sec 4 mph
Charge 9 ft/sec n/a

Can also Swim at up to 8 ft/sec = 48 ft/MR = 5.5 mph

Fighter Abilities:

ML/3, FRU AMR    D = 25 + (5ML) %    RD = 5 + (5ML) %    5 + (5ML) HP

Attack Modes:

Weapons @ A = 10ML%, DAM as per Weapons Table +2 (Trident & Net are favourites)

Claws @ A = 8ML %, DAM = 2d4

Bite @ A = 8ML %, DAM = d6

May use Shield @ S = 12 - ML (assumes Hd -2)

Do not wear Armour

HitLoc Table:

HitLoc Area

All Aspects


01 to 11

Arms (*2)

12 to 33


34 to 66


67 to 88

Legs (*2)

89 to 110


111 to 125


HitLoc Area

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0


3 2 2 1 0 0 1 2 2 3


4 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 4


3 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 3


3 2 2 1 0 0 1 2 2 3
Legs 4 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 4


3 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 3

Effects of Specific Damage:

As for People, plus:

Tail 25% Co check vs Tail Crippled
  50% Tail Crippled, Co check vs Tail Severed
  75% Tail Severed

Bleeding effects from Crippling, Severance and Decapitation are as for People.  Tail bleeds like a Leg.

Thievish Abilities:

M on Th Activities:

Defensive ThL = ML/2, FRU

Other Abilities / Powers / Notes:

  1. Lizard Men are intelligent Reptilian and Saurian Monsters.
  2. Have Water Breathing.
  3. Some with good Mental Chars are Magic Users, functioning as per a Cl, Dr and/or El'ist (as applicable) of level = ML.  They count as having the Experience and Pluses of their level, but do not gain Experience or Pluses.  They learn Spells, use SP, IP, wishes and Credit, and otherwise function as Magic Using People.  They are usually Saurian Cultists.
  4. A few may be ChaosMasters or Dreamers.

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