Monster Specification

Rust Monsters

Typical Monster Level ("ML"): 4 to 6

Typical Number Encountered: d6

Usual Alignment(s): N/C, E/C

Description: hairless, reddish-brown or dun-coloured bipedal creatures with long arms, which move around in an ape-like fashion

Habitat: Dungeons, waste tips around Cities or in Hell, Chaos, Nightmare, Madness

Language: none

Chars: Co 3d8, Wp 2d4


Rate Melee Travelling
Walk 6 ft/sec 4 mph
Scamper 10 ft/sec 7 mph
Lope 18 ft/sec 12 mph
Charge 27 ft/sec n/a

Fighter Abilities:

ML/3, FRU AMR    D = 25 + (5ML) %    RD = 5 + (5ML) %    5 + (5ML) HP

Attack Modes:

Hand @ A = 10ML %, DAM = d6 + Rusting if DAM > 0 inflicted before ADS

HitLoc Table:

HitLoc Area

All Aspects


01 to 20

Arms (*2) 21 to 50


51 to 80


91 to 100

Legs (*2) 101 to 125


HitLoc Area

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0


5 4 3 2 2 2 2 3 4 5


5 4 3 2 2 2 2 3 4 5


5 4 3 2 2 2 2 3 4 5


5 4 3 2 2 2 2 3 4 5
Legs 5 4 3 2 2 2 2 3 4 5

Effects of Specific Damage:

Hit Loc Area %age HP Damage taken Effects
Head 15% Unconscious, Co check vs Death
  30% Decapitation, Death
Arms (*2) 25% Co check vs Arm Crippled
  50% Arm Crippled, Co check vs Arm Severed
  75% Arm Severed
Chest 80% Incapacitated, Co check vs Death, Bleed 5%/min, Co check vs Bleed 5%/MR
  160% Death
Abdomen 60% Co check vs Death/MR, Bleed 5%/MR
  120% Death
Legs (*2) 25% Co check vs Leg Crippled
  50% Leg Crippled, Co check vs Leg Severed
  75% Leg Severed

Bleeding effects from Crippling, Severance and Decapitation are as for People.

Thievish Abilities:

M on Th Activities:

Defensive ThL = ML/2, FRU

Other Abilities / Powers / Notes:

  1. Touch has Rusting effect upon ferrous metals.  Applies to e.g plate armour or metal shields hit by Rust Monster or steel swords or axe blades that hit Rust Monster.  Non-magical ferrous metal items automatically and instantaneously crumble into powdered rust.  Magical ferrous metal items get a st at BTS 10(ML+2)% [Wp].  The effect spreads (unless saved against) outwards at 1 ft/sec to all other ferrous metals in contact with that touched.
  2. Will typically attack recklessly until some metal has been rusted, then run away and return to feed later.
  3. Rust Monsters feed upon rust as an essential element of their diet.  They also eat flesh.  They perform a vital clear-up and recycling role in the Dungeons and at waste-tips.  Some are kept captive or as pets by the rich or dealers in metal and scrap (who may use them against business rivals).  Their dung is said to be useful in certain arcane metallurgical processes.
  4. Some Rust Monsters affect other metals (as well as iron), e.g. oxidising bronze.  They can be identified by their colouration matching that of the affected metal, but are rare.  Most such Rust Monsters are bred and kept in captivity.

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