Animal Specification

Racehorses / Courier Horses

Animal Type: Mammals

Typical Animal Level ("AL"): 3 to 6

Typical Number Encountered: d4 in fields at stud farms

Usual Alignment(s): N/N

Description: as per their meta equivalents

Habitat: Green Areas

Language: none

Chars: Co 3d6+AL, Wp 3d6+AL

Cost: 50 to 10,000 GP from a Horse Dealer

Movement & Encumbrance:

Rate Melee Travelling
Walk 8 ft/sec 5.5 mph
Trot 20 ft/sec 13.5 mph
Canter  30 ft/sec 20.5 mph
Gallop 40 ft/sec 27 mph
Race (Racehorses only) 60 to 65 ft/sec for max. c20 sec n/a

Carrying Capacity: 3,250 wt pts


Item Cost Encumbrance (wt pts) Notes
Racing saddle & stirrups 6GP 100  
Racing reins 1GP 2  
Racing whip 3GP 25  

 If the Horse is ridden, the weight of the rider and his possessions count towards the Horse's Carrying Capacity.

The effects of carrying wt pts in excess of Carrying Capacity are:

Weight > Carrying Capacity Movement Rate
0 * 1
+1 to +250 * 3/4
+251 to +750 * 1/2
+751 to +1500 * 1/4
+1501 to +2250 * 1/8
+2251 0

Fighter Abilities:

1 AMR    D = 25 + (5AL) %    RD = 5 + (5AL) %    5 + (5AL) HP

Attack Modes:

Kick (Front or Rear) @ A = (10AL)-10 %, DAM = 2d4+AL, Reach 0 to 2

Bite @ A = 8AL %, DAM = d6, Reach 0 to 1

HitLoc Table:

HitLoc Area





01 to 20

01 to 14


Front Legs (*2)

61 to 100

15 to 35



21 to 60

36 to 84




85 to 112

11 to 40

Hind Legs (*2)   113 to 133 41 to 80



134 to 140

01 to 10


HitLoc Area

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0


1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1

Front Legs (*2)

4 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 4


1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1


1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
Hind Legs (*2) 4 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 4


0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Effects of Specific Damage:

Hit Loc Area

%age HP Damage taken




15% Unconscious, Co check vs Death
30% Decapitation, Death

Front Legs (each)



25% Co check vs Leg Crippled
50% Leg Crippled, Co check vs Leg Severed
75% Leg Severed



80% Incapacitated, Co check vs Death, Bleed 5%/min, Co check vs Bleed 5%/MR
160% Death



60% Co check vs Death/MR, Bleed 5%/MR
120% Death

Legs (each)



25% Co check vs Leg Crippled
50% Leg Crippled, Co check vs Leg Severed
75% Leg Severed
Tail 5% Co check vs Tail Crippled
10% Tail Crippled, Co check vs Tail Severed
15% Tail Severed

Bleeding effects from Crippling, Severance and Decapitation of Legs are as for People.  There are no Bleeding effects if Tail is Crippled or Severed.

Thievish Abilities: none

Other Abilities / Powers / Notes:

  1. Racehorses are specially bred from Light Horses for the racetrack.  Courier Horses are bred for fast messengers and used in relays from inns / caravanserai.
  2. Horse racing (and betting on it) is very popular in certain Valdrean cities, Kuntax and the Southern Cities.
  3. Will not Attack on the rider's command.

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