Animal Specification

Grey Ooze

Organism, Ooze

Typical Animal Level ("AL"): 2d4

Typical Number Encountered: d4

Alignment: N/N

Description: a fluid organism, of a consistency like thick mud, which may adopt any shape so long as it stays as one entity, but will normally lie flat on stone, with size 10 ft2 per AL and 1 in thick per AL.  Grey and slightly glossy, and has something of a chameleonic effect, so virtually indistinguishable from wet stone

Habitat: Dungeons, Underground, Green Areas, Wilderness Areas, especially wet and rocky areas

Language: none, makes a glutinous, oozing sound

Chars: none, substitute AL where required


Ooze @ up to 1 ft/sec / 0.66 mph

Can seep through the narrowest cracks and keyholes, and moves as easily on walls or ceilings as the floor.

Fighter Abilities:

AL/3, FRU AMR (may make multiple attacks at different targets in same second)   D = 10 + (5AL) %    RD = (5AL) %    5AL HP

Attack Modes:

Tendril @ A = 8AL %, DAM = d6 Acid Damage vs Metal (no effect on gold or mithril) / 2d6 Acid Damage vs organic materials.  If d6 vs metal armour penetrates to organic material, roll an extra d6 Acid Damage.

HitLoc Table:

01 to (4 * total remaining HP)

ADS: 0 all over

Cutting damage (e.g. Swords and Axes) chops off pieces, which will shrivel up and die.

Blunt damage (e.g. Hammers) has no effect.

Effects of Specific Damage:

All Damage which affects it is taken as General Damage.  For each 5HP taken, Ooze takes AL -1.

Thievish Abilities:

Other Abilities / Powers / Notes:

  1. Moves slowly, but attacks quickly.
  2. Corrodes wood, flesh and metal (not gold or mithril).
  3. Each 6HP of Damage it does to organic material become +1HP of Grey Ooze.  Each 5HP it gains in this way increase its AL by 1.  It will normally become sated after gaining 1AL/Cd, unless it has taken Damage to recover.
  4. On reaching 40HP there is a 1 in 6 chance per HP > 39 gained that it will split into 2 Oozes of roughly even size.
  5. Senses by touch and taste, can Far Taste its prey using a tendril.
  6. Lightning vulnerable.
  7. Fire, Cold, Acid & Poison resistant.
  8. Can be affected by Enchanter Spells, but not Charmer or Illusionist Spells.
  9. Chameleon ability with Thievish DL = AL against rock, stone, and monochromatic environments.  Grey Oozes and Black Puddings will co-exist, and when mixed with Black Puddings, the Grey Oozes will adopt the appearance of Black Puddings.

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