Spirit Specification


Typical Spirit Level ("SpL"): 1-10

Typical Number Encountered: d6

Alignment: E/N

Description: incorporeal Beings, which appear as shadows of people, on the ground or on walls

Habitat: anywhere, but tend to keep to LI <= -1

Language: Black Speech, Old Speech (speak in Thievish Whispers only)

Chars: no Physical Chars, Senses & Mental Chars = (10+SpL)


Flit @ up to 12 ft/sec / 8 mph.  Can move through solid objects, but prefer not to.

Fighter Abilities:

SpL/3, FRU AMR    D = 25 + (5SpL) %    RD = 5 + (5SpL) %    5 + (5SpL) HP

Attack Modes:

Touch @ A = 12SpL %, DAM = d10: does no physical DAM, but if penetrates ADS (would do >= 1 DAM), target is drained 1 St.  Each 1 St drained restores 5HP DAM taken by the Shadow (it cannot increase beyond its original HP).  The St drain to the target is permanent (but may be restored by a Clerical Restoration Spell), and has an immediate effect on Ft ability, encumbrance, etc.  A target drained to St 0 collapses lifelessly and his heart stops.  He will lose consciousness and die in d6 secs, unless action is taken to save him.  He can only Cast Thought Spells.

Weapon (usually Magical) @ A = 10SpL% + any Magic bonuses, DAM = [as per Weapon] + St Drain as above

HitLoc Table:

HitLoc Area

All Aspects


01 to 10

Arms (*2)

11 to 30


31 to 60


61 to 80

Legs (*2)

81 to 100

HitLoc Areas are in fact irrelevant, but the Shadow appears to have them.

ADS: 0 all over

Invulnerability 3: invulnerable to non-magical and silver attacks, vulnerable to magical attacks, other beings with Invulnerability 3 are vulnerable to it.

For further details see the Notes to the Elementalist Invulnerability Spell.

Effects of Damage:

All Damage is taken as General Damage.  For each 5HP taken, the Shadow takes SpL -1.  At SpL 0 the Shadow is dead, but whilst alive it always functions at a minimum of SpL 1.

Thievish Abilities:

M on Th Activities:

Defensive ThL = SpL

Other Abilities / Powers / Notes:

  1. Shadows are Spirit Servants of URIEL, E/N Demon of Shadows.  They tend to Hide in (ordinary) Shadows, from which they will make Thievish Attacks upon passers-by.
  2. Although Incorporeal, they have the Telekinetic Power to carry 100 * SpL wt pts of encumbrance.  They like Magic Items, especially Weapons, and will use any Magic Weapons they take.
  3. Shadows are unaffected by Enchanter Spells and equivalent effects which are specified as affecting only living bodies.  They may be affected by non-Enchanter Death Spells and equivalent effects.
  4. They avoid Light (especially of LI >2), but are not stopped by it.
  5. It is said (but never in shadows) that URIEL creates Shadows from the souls and shadows sold to Him by Binders.

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