Undead Specification

Lost Wraiths

Lost Wraith

Incorporeal Undead, Ghosts

The Legions of the Lost are an elite, double-damned host of Undead, enslaved to SOROK and under the command of PHANTOM.

Undead Level ("UL"):

If created: Base Level of victim +4 (The Base Level of a Target body is its Level when it died.  If Undead with souls (such as Lost Wraiths) are created from the bodies of multi-class adventurers, their Base Level is the square root of the sum of the squares of all their Levels that count towards Saving Level.)

If encountered, typically 4 to 10

For purposes of Dispel / Turn Undead, Lost Wraiths count as their UL +2.  If Dispelled, they are reduced to normal Wraiths, and are Turned.  If Turned they will retreat to the nearest shadows / cover, and wait for the Cleric to lower his Holy Symbol.  If he does, he must Cast Turn again in order to stop them attacking.

Typical Number Encountered: d4

Alignment: E/L

Description: a ghost of victim, colour may vary from dark grey to black, armoured and carry faintly glowing swords

Habitat: places Desecrated to SOROK, the Realm of Nightmare, the Dark Forest, will not go out in LI >2.

Language: none, totally silent

Chars: no Physical Chars or Senses, Mental Chars as per victim


Glide @ up to 12 ft/sec / 8 mph.  Can move through solid objects, but avoid passing through them unnecessarily.

Fighter Abilities:

UL/3, FRU AMR    D = 25 + (5UL) %    RD = 5 + (5UL) %    5UL HP

Attack Modes:

Phantom Sword @ A = 10UL %, P = 12UL%, DAM = (d6+d4) + d8 Cold Damage: if penetrates ADS (would do >= 0 DAM), target is drained 2 At.  Each 1 At drained restores 5HP DAM taken by the Wraith (it cannot increase beyond its original HP).  The At drain to the target is permanent (but may be restored by a Clerical Restoration Spell), and gives -1 to Co and -1 to Wp per 1 At lost.  A target drained to 0 At becomes a Lost Wraith.

May plot Parries in Melee.

HitLoc Table:

As per victim: use 1 to 100 for Undead People.

ADS: 0 all over, but wears phantom open-faced steel helmet & breastplate, which have ADS as per their real equivalents.

Invulnerability 2: invulnerable to non-magical attacks, silver attacks do half damage, vulnerable to magical attacks, other beings with Invulnerability 2 are vulnerable to it.  For further details see the Notes to the Elementalist Invulnerability Spell.

Effects of Damage:

All Damage is taken as General Damage.  For each 5HP taken, Wraith takes UL -1.

Thievish Abilities: none

Other Abilities / Powers / Notes:

  1. Fire Resistant @ -2 per d6.  Immune to Cold.
  2. See the General Notes on the Undead.
  3. They have Detect Life as an innate ability (so Thievish hiding is useless against them).
  4. Undead hunger after life, and will attack living things, preferring those closest to their own species before being made Undead, and those with the highest At.
  5. They avoid Light (especially of LI >2), but are not stopped by it.

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