* Restricted: Bird Cultists only
Bird Cults tend to be of specific types of Biird, rather than all Birds. The most common are the Eagle, Owl and Raven Cults. Vulture / Condor, Heron and Seagull Cults are to be found in certain areas. Vulture Cults are popular in The Underworld, especially in the War Zone. The Condor Cult is a Kayani Cult. Heron Cultism is favoured by Mist Warrior Clans around the Source of the Caladuin. Seagull Cultism is limited to the seafaring Elves of the Isle of Tol-in-Edhel, Sillond and Ëarlondë, with Albatrosses being their favoured Birds. The exception are the Lindolië of the High Elves, who rejoice in all the Birds of the Forest of Taur Galen.
The Patrons of Bird Cults are:
The Spells of Cultist Clerics are powered by KOROS (UFFEH, Eagle and Owl Cults), TERRIK (Vulture Cults) or CAERULAS (Condor Cults). But many Bird Cults include Clerics of other Gods.
YELLIP supports the Cults’ Beastmaster Druids through Her Bird Spirits. Bird Beastmasters have a specific Druidic Spell List, with Millet as the unique medium for their Avine Cycle of Spells. The Eagle, Heron, Owl and Raven Cults are Mystical and their Shamen can Enter Cloud Cuckoo Land, the Dreamworld of Birds, using their Enter Power or via the Sacred Circles and Totems of their Cults. The Eagle, Heron and Raven Cults of the Grasslands are Mist Warrior Druids. The Owl Cults of the North West Forest are Seekers of the Lost. Eagle Seers are Prophetic, Heron Seers tend to be enigmatic (favouring fishing analogies), Raven Seers tend to be Harbingers of Doom, and Owl Seers are wise Sages who can see through Madness.
Bird Cultists are generally obsessed with being able to Fly. They do so by Shapechanging to Birds, Fly Spells or by being granted Items or Powers of Flying by DECARABIA, Demon of Birds, Who is Summoned by their Binders and grants Bird Familiars and other Favours. Heron and Seagull Binders also like to Summon ICHTHOS, Demon of Fish.
Bird Cults are enemies of the Cat and Spider Cults.
The Eagle Cults are particular enemies of the Snake Cults.
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