Dried Potion Base, ground into a very fine dust and mixed with ground pepper (Sneezing) / ground pepper and posionous seeds or spores.
The Dust is normally used by throwing it at a Target(s) or into the air, when it will land in a Radius of 9+d6 feet. It has no effect underwater, in rain or in wind of Force 6 (on the Beaufort Scale) or higher, unless it should hapen to be blown away straight onto a nearby target.
Corporeal Targets in the Radius that breathe air whose faces are covered by the Dust make a st vs the Sneezing / Sneezing and Choking Effect at BTS 48% [Co], reduced to BTS 24% [Co] for a helmet/visor covering the face. Targets with a cloth wrapping over their nose and mouth are unaffected.
For each Target that fails their st vs Sneezing, the DM secretly rolls an extra d6 for Initiative each MR. In the second indicated by that d6, the Target's plot will be overridden by their violently sneezing, which breaks a Spell Cast or concentration, gives A -15%, P -15%, S/B/T -2 and DL3 on Move Silently or MtoM Attacks. Duration of the Sneezing Effect (non-Extendable) is 9 + d6 min (i.e. 10-15 min).
A Target with a Breath weapon that Sneezes will immediately Breath that weapon in the second they Sneeze, at full effect irrespective of whether it has recharged, but with -10* d6/2 FRU to A.
Failing a st vs Sneezing and Choking also gives the Target d6/2 FRU Poison Levels.