Binder Demon Grimoire


Demon of Strength

Alignment / Host: N/N

Rank: President

Lord No. 328

Sex: m

DL = 28

Appears as a mightily-muscled Giant, wielding a super heavy Morningstar, and Attended by muscle-bound Ogres with super heavy weapons

In Circle:

  1. Will Restore the Strength lost by any one Participant to its original level (not including any variations by ANDROS or otherwise).
  2. Will give any Participant +1 or -1 to St for one Caeriad (not cumulative with Favours 1 or 2 in Triangle).

In Triangle:

  1. Will give any Participant +1 or -1 to St permanently, up to a maximum of +3 from its original level.
  2. Pact: Will give any Participant +1 to St permanently, up to a maximum of 50.
  3. Pact: will give a Strength Item (e.g. Bracers of St +n).  Such Items are cumulative with any variations by ANDROS and do not count towards the above maxima.


Strong creatures, e.g. bears

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