Clerical Spell Specification

[1] Bind / Release

BTS: 50% (St)

ULT: 5 hours

Materials: rope (Max. Strength of Binding that can be Bound / Released = [length of rope] ft, translate into Th DL using the table below)

Actions: for Bind bring Materials into contact with both Target and Caster / for Release Materials must already be Binding or tying up Target, and Actions are to touch them or make an untying gesture at them

Effect of Throw:


Strength of Binding / Max. Strength Released

Thievish DL of Binding / Max. DL Released

01 to 100%

10 + (T/10) FRU

T/20 FRU

101 to 500%

15 + (T/20) FRU

3 + (T/80) FRU

Range: 20d ft    -5d(d-1)/2 %

Duration: t hrs -5t(t-1)/2%


  1. Affects a single Target body, living or unliving.
  2. Bind ties the rope used as Materials around the Target.  The St required to break free, using an AMR,  is equal to the Strength of Binding.  To break free make a St check against (2 * own St) - (Strength of Bond).  To untie the knots Thievishly using Remove Traps the knots have a DL given by T.  The ropes can still be cut through as normal.
  3. Bind does not gag the mouth, so the Target may still Cast Word Spells.
  4. To throw a rope at a Target use the Ft Thrown Weapon Lassoo.  The Caster will have WS 0 unless he has trained the Weapon.
  5. Release unties bonds made with Bind or otherwise.  The Target may attempt to save against the Release.