Clerical Spell Specification

[3] Increase Bleeding

BTS: 54% (Co)

ULT: 15 hours

Materials: a Desecrated Symbol of God

Actions: a gouging motion

Effect of Throw:

T Increase Bleeding by:

01 to 33%


34 to 66%


67 to 100%


101 to 150%


151 to 200%


201 to 300%


301 to 400%


401 to 500%


Range: 10d ft -5d(d-1)/2%


  1. Cast on a single Target Being.  Target must already have at least 1HP of Damage, either in a specific Hit Location area or Generally, for Spell to have effect. Target does not have to be bleeding already.
  2. Spell hits Target automatically, but is subject to a Saving Throw, which negates the Spell completely. ADS is ineffective.
  3. Bleeding is General Damage, though it occurs through an existing wound. If Target has multiple wounds it occurs through the most serious.
  4. Bleeding occurs evenly through the mr: eg a 1HP/mr Bleeding causes 1HP initially, then 1HP in the same sec of each subsequent mr; a 6HP/mr Bleeding causes 1HP/sec.
  5. Increase Bleeding is cumulative with Bleeding caused by Damage, other Increase Bleeding Spells, and Stop Bleeding Spells.
  6. Targets may attempt to staunch the bloody flow. A hand over the wound stops 1HP/mr if kept in place constantly. A bandage stops 3HP/mr, and halves the remaining flow (FRD). Each attempt at cauterisation stops d8HP/mr, but causes 1HP Damage to the area cauterised. Cauterisation is subject to Fire Resistance.