7. Dragon Breath

Saurian Cycle

BTS: 37% (Co) for Target / 10ML% (Co / Sm for Green Dragon Breath) for victims

ULT: 60 hours

Materials: a part of a Dragon or other Saurian (a Dragon scale is preferred, but due to their rarity a part of a lesser Saurian may be used)

Actions: touch Materials to mouth, then blow (at Target if not Cast on self)

Effect of Throw:

1 to 16 No Effect

17 to 26    3(T-17) + 5 Breath Points ("BP")

³ 27    (T+6) Breath Points ("BP")

Duration:    t hrs    - t(t-1)/2

Range:    d ft    -(4+d)    If cast on self, there is no Range minus. If cast on others, Range is at least 0 ft, so there will be a Range minus of at least -4.

ML:    5 + M    -2M


  1. Cast on a single Target Being, who must be a Saurian Cultist, Saurian or Saurian Monster (but not a Dragon).  Gives Target the ability to breathe up to a total of BP points of Dragon Breath during Duration.  Target is immune to his own Breath Effect (but not that of others, even if he Cast it on them).
  2. Each Breath expends ML BP (or all those remaining, if less) and uses an AMR plotted for Fighting, but is a non-targeted area effect.  IT recharges at 1ML per second, and cannot therefore be reused until ML (or BP remaining, if less) seconds have passed and another AMR is available.  Target can Dodge normally whilst Breathing, as it uses a Fighting AMR.
  3. The type of Dragon Breath given depends upon the environment (see the Habitat section of the Dragons spec.); e.g. if Cast in a swamp, Black Dragon Breath is given.  If multiple types of Dragon may be encountered in the environment (e.g. in the Dungeons), then Caster may specify as a no cost Variable Parameter.  If no Dragons are encountered in the environment (e.g. in an urban or underwater environment), then there is no effect (though some Saurian Cultists have reported surprise results, including Metallic Dragon Breath - such stories may be apocryphal).  It is possible to Cast in one environment then Transport to another, retaining the Effect.

  4. White Dragon Breath does (BP used) d6 Cold Damage in 45o cone, 10ML ft long.  It is a Cold Effect.  Cold-Vulnerable Beings take double damage from it (multiply the result of the nd6 by *2 before rolling the first st).

    Black Dragon Breath does (BP used) d6 Acid Damage in 60o cone, 8ML ft long.

    Green Dragon Breath does Poison Gas of PL = (BP used) in cloud of approx. diameter 3ML ft or jet up to 10ML ft long and ML ft wide.

    Blue Dragon Breath does (BP used) d6 Lightning Damage in 1 ft wide bolt, 20ML ft long.  It is a Lightning Effect.  Lightning-Vulnerable Beings take double damage from it (multiply the result of the d6s by *2 before rolling the first st).

    Red Dragon Breath does (BP used) d6 Fire Damage in 45o cone, 10ML ft long.  It is a Fire Effect.  Fire-Vulnerable Beings take double damage from it (multiply the result of the d6 by *2 before rolling the first st).  It has no effect underwater.

  5. Victims caught in the area effect of the Breath must each make sts against the Damage rolled / PL inflicted, based on the ML (rather than BP used).  Each st made against Damage or Poison halves the effect (FRD, in favour of victim); e.g. if 35HP of Fire Damage are taken, and a st made, 17HP are taken instead, and a further st may be attempted to reduce the Damage to 8HP.
  6. All Breath Effects last for 1 sec.  Cold, Fire and Lightning may affect the environment as per their respective effects.  Acid is permanent, but will quickly dissolve away into most environments.  Poison Gas dissipates by halving PLs every sec, but anyone who has saved is assumed to be holding their breath, and anyone who is unconscious is assumed not to be breathing sufficiently to take a further dose.
  7. Multiple Dragon Breath Effects may apply to Target, but they cannot breathe out simultaneously and do not recharge simultaneously.
  8. Prot. vs. Dragon Items and Effects will work against the Dragon Breath Effect of the Spell.