3. Follow Tracks

Druid Cycle

BTS: n/a

ULT: 24 hours

Materials: a feather

Actions: use Materials to clear dust from tracks

Effect of Throw:

1 to 12 No Effect

Throw Effect
13 to 17 Can follow trail
18 to 22 Can follow trail and make out a few details (e.g. it was wolves)
23 to 27 Can follow trail and make out most details (e.g. it was a pack of about half a dozen wolves a few days ago)
28 to 32 Can follow trail and make out full details (e.g. it was seven wolves three days ago)
³ 33 Can follow trail and make out minute details (e.g. it was seven wolves three days ago, and one female had a limp in her left hind leg)

Duration     t hrs    - t(t-1)/2


  1. Allows Caster to follow all tracks he can observe and study using light concentration for Duration.
  2. Difficulty Levels are as follows.  They are the same as for Thievish Cover Tracks, but modified as below.

1.    Number of Beings leaving trail:

2.    Type of Beings leaving trail:

3.    Thievish DL given by Cover Tracks

4.    Environment through which trail is left: