Thievish Activity Specification

* Restricted: only Assassins and Scouts (most Ths with Wilderness skills, incl. all Elves and Grasslanders)

Cover Tracks ("CvTr")


Relevant Chars: Dx(Ph) / In

Succeeds on: 25%

Cover Tracks hides a trail by giving it an increased DL on Track.

Materials such as a branch to smooth over the trail may be used.

Make periodic Throws: at least every hour, or on a change in environment or factors affecting DL.

T Effect
>= 101 Failure 4: Cover Tracks @ DL -3
76 to 100 Failure 3: Cover Tracks @ DL -2
51 to 75 Failure 2: Cover Tracks @ DL -1
26 to 50 Failure 1: no effect
25 to 1 Cover Tracks @ DL1
0 to -9 Cover Tracks @ DL2
-10 to -19 Cover Tracks @ DL3
<= -20 Cover Tracks @ DL (T+20)/10 FRD

There is no maximum DL which may be achieved.

Difficulty Levels:

1.    Number of Beings leaving trail:

2.    Type of Beings leaving trail:

3.    Speed at which Th is Covering Tracks:

4.    Environment through which trail is left:

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