6. Summon Fire Elemental Ranian Cycle
6. Summon
Cold Elemental Ranian Cycle of the
7. Summon Earth Elemental Ranian Cycle
8. Summon Air Elemental / Summon Water
Ranian Cycle
ULT: 72 / 84 / 96 hours
Materials: a blazing fire / a mound of earth or
pile of rocks / a wind / a pool or stream of water (as applicable)
Actions: stir up the materials, and raise hands in
Effect of Throw:
L6 Spell |
L7 Spell |
L8 Spell |
Level of El |
1 to 16 |
1 to 17 |
1 to 18 |
No Effect |
17 |
18 |
19 |
L1 |
18 to 19 |
19 to 20 |
20 to 21 |
L2 |
20 to 22 |
21 to 23 |
22 to 24 |
L3 |
23 to 26 |
24 to 27 |
25 to 28 |
L4 |
27 to 31 |
28 to 32 |
29 to 33 |
L5 |
32 to 37 |
33 to 38 |
34 to 39 |
L6 |
38 to 44 |
39 to 45 |
40 to 46 |
L7 |
45 to 52 |
46 to 53 |
47 to 54 |
L8 |
53 to 61 |
54 to 62 |
55 to 60 (max.) |
L9 |
62 to 70 (max.) |
63 to 65 (max.) |
n/a |
L10 |
Duration: 5t min - t(t-1)/2
- A Fire / Earth / Air / Water Elemental appears, of ElL dependent on T
(Caster may specify max). Summon Cold Elemental
Summons a Fire Elemental that will only perform Cold Spells.
- A Willpower Battle is required to
control the El. The Caster's Wp is modified by adding his DrL. The
El has Wp = 2 * ElL, and does not gain or lose Wp by way of
experience on Domination.
- Heavy concentration
is required to maintain control.
The El can then be made to perform any Fire / Cold / Earth / Air / Water
Spells (as applicable) which it is capable of casting (i.e. of Spell
Level £
Spell Level) and which are within the Ranian Cycle for the Duration.
instructions to perform Spells are given verbally (Old Speech is not
necessary), and the giving of those instructions and observing their
success (or otherwise) do not break concentration, as they are part of
what the Caster is concentrating on. The instructions must be to
perform a Spell of the requisite Element, within the Ranian Cycle (i.e. it
must be Druidic, not unnatural) and unambiguous (or the Elemental will
interpret them against the Caster).
- The T achieved on each Spell performed will be equal to the T achieved
on Summon Elemental, less any variable parameters specified by the
Caster (or inferred by the El from his instructions). Each Spell performed subtracts (2 * SL) min. from the Duration. If
there is insufficient Duration left , the El will perform the Spell but
with Duration = 0 on that Spell.
- The
Elemental goes off if necessary to perform Spells, and comes back after
each has been completed, provided sufficient Duration remains.
- The Elemental can be dismissed before the end of the Duration.
- Summon Fire / Cold / Earth / Air / Water Elemental are separate Spells.